Page 7 - CinemaRecord #11R.pdf
P. 7
In the 1950's the movie industry was changing- Television and other social aspects brought changes, much to
the detriment of cartoon productions. Cinemascope called for new techniques, the first of which was "Pet
Peeve" in 1954. The good natured black Mammy in the kitchen had to go, to be replaced by a pale and willowy
young couple. Economics had crept in too causing MGM to scale down the Cartoon Department. Reduced
budgets saw the birtlh of limited animation using copy and computer processes which destroyed the personality
expressions and body language evident with full animation.
And so the Hanna-Barbera era ended with Tom and Jerry in limbo. MGM
later decided that the 'Gold Dust Twins' might still be viable and signed
Gene Deitch to produce new cartoons. The studio was in Prague and the
Czechoslovakian animators were given six T & J cartoons to familiarize
themselves with their new characters - they never stood a chance of retaining
the old magic - but did produce another 13 bringing the total to 127 cartoons.
The story did not stop there for the mid-60's saw MGM offering the T & J cartoons to Chuck Jones who at
Warner Bros. had developed Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, etc. After another 34 cartoons, MGM in 1967 stopped
production believing there was no future in theatrical cartoons. The last cartoon in that year "Purr Change to
Dream" brought the final total to 161 theatre release cartoons.
I'm sure we are the poorer for the demise of the Tom and Jerry
Cartoon where for a few minutes we could draw apart from the world
around us and laugh our heads off as if we never had a worry or
care. And we may not have realized it but we were experiencing a
moral in that Tom represents the fiendish opportunist always anxious
to ingratiate himself with the powers that be at the expense of others
- while Jerry although impish is happily minding his own business
until cornered or provoked. It was always Tom who came off second
I still get great enjoyment from the Tom and Jerrys and with my collection of 47 on film and video it is a joy to
be able to share these with others - indeed every good film show should include a Tom and Jerry segment.
The Projectionist's Alphabet by H. Brinsley-Farjohn
A stands for Amplifier, that sometimes distorts, N stands for Nitrate, a fiery film of the past,
B stands for Bio, a box of all sorts. 0 stands for Optical, once "sound" unsurpassed.
C stands for Cam, and the Cross it rotates, P stands for Positive, the type of print we use,
D stands for Dirt, that clogs up the gates. Q stands for Quiet, if the Amp blows a fuse.
E stands for Exciter, the lamp that once fused, R stands for Rewind, a task that we hate,
F stands for Film, sometimes ripped and abused. S stands for Start, that we thread in the Gate.
G stands for Gate, close to Cam or to Claw. T stands for Turntable, the Vitaphone way,
H stands for Hiss, crummy Soundtrack's to blame, U stands for something, though what I can't say.
I stands for Inch-knob, to centre the frame. V stands for Volume, that must just be right,
J stands for Jitter, when the film's old and weary, W stands for Wow, if a film is not tight.
K stands for Kleenex, wipe the lens if it's smeary. X stands for a film, not for Auntie nor Vicar
L stands for Lantern, local "ads" - that's for certain, Y stands for Why? the Vicar's dicker may flicker
M stands for Music, before and after the curtain. Z stands for Zoe-trope, that historic device,
that started it all, Now is'nt that nice?