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Cinema Record

              Official newsletter and historical record of the Cinema and Theatre Historical Society- Victoria

             Objectives:      The primary objective of CATHS-V, and this publication, is to accurately document
                              and create an archives of the history of cinema in Victoria.

             Accuracy:        Input in the form of articles, constructive criticism,  and substantiated dispute of
                              printed matter is welcome, and necessary to enable us to reach our objective.

             Authors:         Any articles printed in CinemaRecord should not be reproduced without the
                              permission of the author or the editor.

             Archives:        Donations of photographs of theatres and any other historical records relating to
                              Victorian cinemas, or loan of for copying, are needed for the Society's archives.

             1996-97          President                        Gerry Kennedy         051-741870
             CATHS-V          Vice President                   Fred  Page            9786-7601
             Executive        Secretary                        Kay Branton           9818-4030
             Committee:       Treasurer                        Rod Cook              9465-0204

             General          CATHS-V Sales                    Garry Saunders        9850-6005
             Committee:       Events Co-Ordinators             Wally Perkins BH: 9592-3166 &  Brian Miller
                              CinemaRecord &  Memberships      Peter O'Reilly
                              CATHS-V Publicity                Concetta  Raffa
                             Typing                            Pamella Hutchison
                             Archivist                         Gerry Kennedy & Trevor Walters
                              Technical Officer                Rod How &  Ross Campbell
                              Media Liason                     Rod Cook & Dernzil Howson
                              Internet                         Martin Powell &  Jon Saul

             Mailing         All correspondence, CinemaRecord Articles &  Memberships to:
             Address:         Peter O'Reilly, CATHS-V Editor, Box 476,  Bentleigh  3204

             Membership:      Membership subscription is $27. This covers CinemaRecord printing & postage 4
                              times per year. No joining fee. {A pro-rata adjustment is made in your second year)

             Meetings:        The fourth  Sunday of February, April, June, August and October.
             Our Venue:       The Carlton Moviehouse, 235 Faraday Street, Carlton, at 9.45 a.m. sharp.

             Items For Sale:  All items are available at CATHS-V meetings:

             CinemaRecord Issues 1 - 8 (Photocopied)                        $2 ea.      $1  postage/order
             CinemaRecord Issues 9 - 12 (Original)                          $3 ea.      $1  postage/order
             CinemaRecord Issue 13 (Regent colour cover)                    $5 ea.      $1  postage/order
             CinemaRecord 4-Ring binder                                     $5          $2 Pack/Post
             Adeline Mims tape "Musical Mayhem At The Movies"               $4          $2 Pack/Post
             "Regent Nostalgia" - Video of Regent Slides                    $20         $4 Pack/Post
             "The Regent Is Melbourne" - Video of Open Day                  $15         $4  Pack/Post
             CATHS-V Melbourne & Suburban Cinema Index"                     $1          $1  Pack/Post
             Cinematographe Centenary Celebration  Program                  $4          $1  Pack/Post
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