P. 24
by John Thiele
n Tuesday 20 March this year, a free concert for schools turned into
Oa rather special and memorable event at the Capri Theatre in the
Adelaide suburb of Goodwood.
The Capri is owned and operated by the Theatre Organ Society of
Australia, South Australian Division, and is home to a large, world famous
theatre pipe organ, which has just completed 35 years of regular service!
This much used instrument is regularly played before film sessions every
Tuesday, Friday and Saturday nights and often daily during school
holidays, as well as a variety of special shows such as nostalgia nights,
midnight screenings of The Rocky Horror Show, film festivals, previews,
TOSA members’ club nights and assorted hires. The Society also promotes
a series of theatre organ concerts each year, which include leading
international artists. This year's series began with a concert featuring Rob
Richards, Resident Organist at Disney's flagship movie palace, the El
Capitan Theatre in Hollywood, USA. He generously offered to do an
extra free concert for school students while he was here in Adelaide.
on stage in an orderly way, one row at a time and, all credit to them, they
Schools were duly circularised in advance, and the response was excellent, were particularly well behaved. They filled the stage - the most we have
with nearly 400 bookings received, so that the Stalls and Lounge areas of ever had on stage at any one time at the Capri. I had been primed up in
the theatre were pretty full when all had arrived that morning. Rob had advance to take the photos and it was a sight I don't think I will ever forget!
prepared an hour long programme of mainly Disney music, and had the It had proven to be a really special event.
mostly primary school students engaged right from the start. I was
assisting with lighting for the concert and, even in the projection room, I The theatre later received this report from a member of the audience: "Best
could hear the spontaneous loud cheers and applause from the audience excuse to wear my Mickey Mouse dress ever—a Disney themed
after each number. I was able to listen to Rob's performance through performance by the amazing Rob Richards, playing the organ at the one
headphones, but at times I would sneak into the back of the auditorium, and only Capri Theatre. There were over 300 school kids on excursion
and it was quite amazing to hear the students spontaneously singing along at this performance and they were all dancing, even singing along
during a medley of music from Mary Poppins, or "Let It Go" from Frozen. (especially for “Let It Go”) during the show. Many, many happy faces
left the theatre today, mine included!
In some ways, it brought back memories for me of the days of the Saturday
matinees in my youth. Part way through the concert, a volunteer from the Thank you, Rob, for sending us soaring up to the highest heights, across
audience was invited up onto the stage to participate in a little Agrabah with a genie, to dive under the sea, see the circle of life, and even
demonstration of how the organ pipes worked and the type of sounds they rocketing us into space! Nothing can compare!"
produced. The end arrived all too soon, but Rob then announced to his
audience that he had just completed 40 years as a theatre organist, and And, from a couple of teachers: "please do this again". ★
was just beginning his 20th year as organist for the Disney organization
at the El Capitan. Would they like to help commemorate these milestones
by gathering around the organ for a group photo? They were brought up Images supplied by the author.