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NEW ERA FILM PRODUCTIONS by an unknown Author
ew Era Film Productions was formed in
NMelbourne in 1937/38 by Morrell
Wright and Cyrill Turner. The Director of
Productions was an enthusiastic man named
A.R. (Dick) Harwood, (born in Melbourne in
1897) who had directed several films by this
The Man who Forgot (1927)
Out of the Shadows (1931) (Unfinished)
Spur of the Moment (1931)
Isle of Intrigue (1931)
Secret of the Skies (1934) (based on the lost
Southern Cloud disaster of the early 1930s)
Something Different (1934)
Pearl Lust (1936)
(Editor’s Note: Harwood is also credited as Director
of Night Club (1952) for Cambridge Film
Productions, Box Hill, Vic.)
After joining New Era Film Productions, his
first film was to be The Avenger (1937),
followed by Show Business (1938). The two
new films were originally planned to be Director Dick Harwood (left) greets the then 3AW Melbourne radio personality, Fred Tupper, at the
produced at Cinesound Production's new Pagewood Studios, Sydney prior to the shooting of Show Business.
studio facility in Fitzroy St, St Kilda, which Cost cutting was a major part of the operation working on a shoe-string budget. I was gofer
had been built on the site of the old St Kilda and I remember that Harwood intended to use and general handyman, working about 17
Theatre, formerly used to show silent films. the foyer of the theatre as a studio “prop”. hours per day, for a salary of £3.15.0 ($7.50)
The auditorium was converted into a large Cameramen (Arthur and Tasman Higgins) per week, but I was determined to hold my job.
studio. The small building at the rear was used were to come from Sydney (and I presume to Many new faces appeared for the production
for processing films and was also used by the bring their equipment) to start production. and so many adopted a HOLLYWOOD
Melbourne division of Cinesound Newsreels. attitude. Looking back it was quite laughable.
The front foyer of the old theatre became Being very anxious to ensure I had a full time I could go on and on telling tales of the
offices. job, I did everything possible to assist. One production, but eventually the film was
day I submitted a full report on equipment finished. I recall some of the actors in the
I was employed as a labourer to clean-up the available in St Kilda; Dick was very pleased. show were Bert Mathews (an American, who
studio and was paid 5/- per day. I swept the Alas, as a result, I learned that it was later changed his name to Wayne Proman for
entire area and sorted out the junk. It took me considered less expensive to take the radio productions), Charmaine Ross (seemed
a week, but it was transformed from a mess to Melbourne group to Sydney and shoot The to be well known in Sydney radio circles),
spotless. Early in week two, following Avenger and Show Business at Pagewood Chick Arnold (a vaudeville “ham”) and a
advertisements in local newspapers, several Studios. Frankly my actions had cost me my Melbourne girl whose stage name was given
people came forward seeking employment as job - I was crestfallen. as Fay Astor. She had ability as an amateur
actors in the forthcoming production of Show actress.
Business. I had been asked to be in “civilian I was packing items for the Sydney venture
dress” for the occasion (other than overalls) when I learned that consideration had been The premiere of Show Business was a gala
and was to greet each person seeking an given to my efforts and that I was to go to night, held at the Village Theatre, Toorak.
interview, ensuring that nobody pushed their Sydney as an actor! I was thrilled. We All and sundry had free passes, especially
way into Mr. Harwood's office. departed from Spencer Street Station on the those who had financially supported New Era
Spirit of Progress and, after changing at Films. I attended with my mother and had
This was easy enough, but one incident stands Albury, had a sleeping car all the way to great difficulty getting two seats together.
firm in my mind. A man arrived accompanied Central Station in Sydney. Later, with my dad and mother, we went to a
by his 15 year old daughter. She had been to a theatre in Sandringham to see the show again.
local hairdresser and was fresh with a Offices were rented in Pitt Street and the
“pageboy” hair-do. It was all so obvious. I production got under way at Pagewood I cannot recall what eventually happened to
stopped the pair from pushing their way into without delay. It was a long, hard haul the film, or the previous productions, but a
the office, as other people were being third film did not eventuate. I think the whole
interviewed. However the father was adamant venture collapsed, but it was a wonderful time
that HE was going to be interviewed NOW. for me. Of course the war came to bear some
He demanded to see the Director of months later and that put paid to film
Production, saying that the likes of me could production. ✶
step aside. I tried to inform him that there was
no part for a 15 year old girl, but that made no Credits:
difference. I recall going to the office and Image: “History and Heartburn” by Eric Reade.
telling Dick of the events outside. I think he Oz Movies Database.
sent another person to see dad and daughter,
to firmly let them know that there was no part This article was written by an unknown author.
for daughter and that there would be no It was donated to CATHS by the family of the late
interview. There were some tough words said Jack Cranston.
at the time.