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candelabra. Entering the auditorium, the eye with leather cushions and fabric backs, an Following the closure of J C Williamsons in
focuses on the stage with its green act drop up-to-date heating and ventilation system and, 1978, the Comedy was bought by the Paul
curtain, which is unusual, as green is said by since the late 1960s, air-conditioning. The Dainty Corporation; it continued staging
many superstitious actors to represent bad two-level auditorium seats 1,008, made up of shows, including the hit Nunsense in 1987.
luck. Another unusual design feature is the 578 in the stalls, 418 in the dress circle and The theatre was renovated in 1993. This
restrained proscenium treatment which 12 in the boxes. By not selling the box seats, involved replacing some of the original
separates the stage and the auditorium with the capacity is less than 1,000, thereby seating and many of the drapes, as well as the
minimum impact. A conventional side box on reducing the cost of fire protection. cleaning of the internal and external surfaces.
either side flanked at the upper level with Recent alterations were made to the foyer.
large medieval tapestries retains the Italianate A glance to the rear wall of the dress circle Both side walls were been partially opened up
flavour of the exterior. reveals the spotlight booth, complete with to form a booking hall on the left and an
conventional cinema projection ports. During enlarged candy bar on the right.
Retreating from the stalls to the dress circle, the 1930's, the theatre regularly alternated
after ascending the marble steps, one passes films with live shows. The most recent movie, In 1996, the theatre was purchased by David
through the upper level foyer which is built to The Railway Children, was screened in the Marriner, becoming the fourth theatre in the
represent an old Italian palazzo. Furnishings 1980s. To compliment the modernity of the Marriner Group. It has since staged a diverse
include a heavy gilt table, a settee and several auditorium; the stage facilities are equally set of entertainment, including stand-up and
chairs placed around a Spanish wall fountain, up-to-date. On the Lonsdale Street side of the musical comedy – now a venue of choice
backed by diamond patterned mirrors and building are twelve dressing rooms, matched during the Melbourne International Comedy
supported on a base decorated with floral on the opposite side by two large prop rooms. Festival – as well as productions like Waiting
patterned terra cotta tiles. The carpet in this The stage is 65 ft wide, with a proscenium for Godot featuring Sir Ian McKellen,
area is a rich red which matches that in the opening of 38 ft. The proscenium height is Calendar Girls, and the acclaimed Rock of
auditorium. More tapestries, mirrors and 26 ft. There are 58 counter weighted lines Ages.
drapes adorn the walls. enabling easy, quiet scene changes. With the
exception of the carpets and a few small items, Film screenings returned to the Comedy in
As one enters the dress circle, the ceiling is the all building materials, furnishings, lighting 2015, and again in 2016, when it was one of
eye-catching feature, being a reproduction of and stage equipment are Australian made. the venues used for the Melbourne
that in a palace in Florence. It is stenciled in International Film Festival.
various tints of crimson and tastefully lit by Notable shows presented at the Comedy
concealed lighting. Hanging from the ceiling include On Approval, Sweet Nell of Old Credits:
are two huge Spanish candelabra. The Drury, (for the umpteenth time in Melbourne), Images: CTA (UK) and the John Budge Collection.
composite lighting emits a reflected glow to Romance, The Borovansky Ballet (several
enhance the green and gold and walnut, which times), A Streetcar Named Desire, The Kiwis,
comprise the main colour scheme of the Worms Eye View, Seagulls Over Sorrento, This article originally appeared in edition 54 of
theatre. As well as looking well-designed and Reluctant Heroes, Harvey, Edward My Son, Kino. It is reproduced here, with updates, with the
permission of the author.
decorated, the Comedy is extremely The Boy Friend, and Man of La Mancha. All
comfortable, with the original chairs fitted of these were J C Williamson productions.