Page 34 - CR-91
P. 34
R-rated films caused a few problems. One
Saturday night I was managing. We were
screening the film Romper Stomper, a violent
film about skinheads. I was selling tickets and
checking ages of all younger looking patrons.
A woman in her late thirties came up and asked
for two tickets. I could not see the person she
was with, so I asked her for the age of that
person. She gave me a silly look so I explained
that, being an R-rated film, I needed to know
the age of people attending the cinema. I then
suggested that maybe the person was the same
age as her. She agreed with this and so I gave
her the tickets. A few minutes later I looked
across the foyer and saw a boy aged about 15
sitting next to her. I walked over and asked the
boy for proof of age. He did not have any. The
woman then tried to make a fuss and began
yelling that she was not his mother and did not
have to verify things for him. As a result they
were given a refund. I was really amazed the
Lawson Street Cinema - Stairs to Lounge Cinema
lengths that woman went to for a movie ticket.
particular one we screened at High Street was the films being screened. It was interesting that Every evening the late night usher was
very successful. The Manager and I spent the cinema which started with Star Trek V had responsible for ensuring that the session times
many hours on promotions for this. I visited the most misbehaviours. This audience board had been changed for the following day.
all of the shopkeepers in the Mall and asked to moaned when I told them that Star Trek V was This was not a difficult task. However, one
put posters in their windows. Most allowed us first. Someone from this audience went out to usher obviously had difficulty reading the
to do this. We arranged prizes, special the foyer and stole the two packets of posters session times sheet. The Manager was selling
activities between films and an oven to be mentioned earlier. At about 5.30am I went in tickets one day when a lady came running up
brought in so we could sell hot food. We also to check on this cinema. The first thing I saw the stairs. After looking at the board she
had a movie poster sale. All of our old posters was that the image on the screen looked like panted, “Oh! I ran for nothing. It's not on until
were kept in the storeroom between the swiss cheese. The 1000 posters had been 2.07." The Manager then told her that the film
cinemas. We had hundreds of them. Included distributed around the cinema. The posters had was on at 11.45am. She looked at the board
in this were two packets of small posters for been scrunched into balls and were being again and re-stated that the board did say 2.07.
the film Memphis Belle which we had been thrown around the cinema. Nobody was Upon investigation the Manager found that the
given to distribute during the film's season. We watching the film. It was impossible to see it. late night usher had, in fact, placed the
had been given too many posters for this film, finishing times, not the starting times for all
and decided to try to sell them. Each packet I had to treat the cinema as a big classroom. I sessions on the board. I gave that usher quite
contained 500 small posters. The big night yelled at the top of my voice and told them that a stirring for that incident for many months.
arrived. We had the foyer decorated with the misbehaviour must stop or we would have
posters and big displays for other items which to watch the film with the lights on. To my The projectionists also did a number of silly
we were selling. We had anticipated that about amazement, the behaviour improved and there things. Jonathon was an elderly projectionist
150-200 people would attend. were no more problems that night. I had the who had worked in theatres for many years,
record for ejecting the biggest number of and had been at High Street since it opened.
Instead, over 550 people came, which meant people from one session. The film was Hudson He genuinely cared for the theatres and loved
we had to use both Cinemas 3 and 4. The first Hawk starring Bruce Willis. It was not a very his job, but unfortunately had a habit of
cinema filled quickly. Before we started the good film. There were two groups of teenage screening the wrong film. This happened more
films I went to the front of the cinema and boys watching the film. They became quite often during school holidays when up to four
welcomed everyone and told them the order of bored and began to make silly noises. This different films would be screened in each
became a competition between the two groups auditoria. At times the 10.45 am session of a
to see who could be the loudest and the silliest. film would be in Cinema 3, with the 12.30pm
As a result, I kicked all 18 of them out. It session of the same film in Cinema 4. When
amazed me that they left without arguing or the wrong film was screened, I would have to
asking for their money back. run up to the projection room and inform
Jonathon of the problem. "Oh &%$#!" he
Patrons often panicked after leaving the theatre would yell, immediately turn the projector off,
to visit the Candy Bar when they realised that remove the film and replace it with the correct
they did not have their ticket half with them, one. I would be in the theatre by this time
and assumed that I would not re-admit them to making excuses for the delay. Usually the two
the theatre. It is common to be asked whether films were at opposite ends of the spectrum.
they can go back in without their ticket, or to The audience would be waiting to see The
be asked if I remember them coming out. The Little Mermaid, (a G-rated Disney film), but
silliest comment I had was when a patron Total Recall, (a violent M-rated film), would
visited the candy bar and had her arms full of be shown. Most of the audiences were quite
popcorn, choc tops and drinks. I walked to the pleasant when this happened.
theatre door to help her. She thought that I was
chasing her for her ticket. She looked at me Tom was another projectionist who was always
and asked, "Do you want to see my butt?" I late. It was because of him that I started to learn
knew what she meant, but I took it as a joke projection. Tom was placed on night shift
and informed her that it was not necessary. I where possible. If he was on day shift, he often
have also been asked this question at the would not be at the theatre ten minutes before
Cremorne Orpheum. the first session. The Manager would then