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across the country, and have been amazed how  position to help pay for Teacher's College, it
        many times I have walked into a projection box  taught me more about the real world than any
        to  find  the  projectionist  sound  asleep.  The  school could. There was the sense of adventure
        projectionists  at  Parramatta  gave  me  the  that  developed.  This  was  not  from  handling
        impression that they were overworked. This  tough patrons or ejecting rowdy people from
        illusion  was  shattered  upon  visiting  other  the cinema. It was developed by a number of
        theatres.                           colleagues who formed the Village Daredevils
                                            Club.  Our  first  activity  was  to  try  hot  air
        I  began  teaching  in  1986  and  found  that  I  ballooning. This was a very popular event. The
        needed a lot of time out of school hours for  next activity was to try jumping out of a plane.
        lesson preparation. It also meant that I had a  The  group  spent  a  few  hours  being  trained.
        decent paycheck for the first time in my life.  However, the weather turned bad and we could
        As a result, I did not need the Village job any  not jump. It was about three weeks later when
        longer, and resigned in April 1986 after having  we finally jumped. The instructor selected me
        worked at that cinema for nearly four and a  to  go  first.  It  turned  out  to  be  a  very
        half years. At first it seemed strange being able  exhilarating, 2000 ft static line jump. Not all
        to go out on weekends. I must admit, however,  members of the group enjoyed it however. I
        that I became accustomed to this situation very  should mention that none of us have jumped
        quickly. When I became a patron and actually
                                            out of a plane since. We had planned on gliding
        paid to see a film, I found it very hard to sit  next, but never did anything else as a group.
        through an entire movie. After years of having
        to leave a film shortly after it started to clean  I  had  always  been  interested  in  theatres,
        the  foyer  or  to  attend  to  another  cinema,  it  especially after all of my old favourites were  My holidays were spent travelling to different
        seemed strange sitting in the one cinema for                            parts of the country and finding theatres. My
                                            demolished. I thought that I was one of a few
        two hours without leaving. Certain films from  people  who  would  have  this  interest.  I  was  girlfriend  during  the  mid-1980s  was  sick  to
        my  Village  days  still  drive  me  mad  when  I  wrong.  We  were  selling  a  book  in  the  Box  death  of  theatres.  Even  when  I  took  school
        think of them.                                                          students  overseas  I  would  try  to  inspect
                                            Office entitled The Flicks - A History of the  theatres.  It  was  hilarious  whilst  in  Noumea
                                            Cinemas from Parramatta to the Nepean by
        The  film E.T.  the  Extra-Terrestrial has  this  Kevin Cork. This book was of great interest to  having  a  conversation  with  the  projectionist
        effect. E. T. ran for about nine months. In its                         from  the Rex  Theatre,  as  he  only  spoke
        early days, it was being screened seven or eight  me, as it showed many old theatres from the  French and I only spoke English.
                                            area in which I lived. In the back of the book
        times  per  day.  This  was  before  complexes
        began  showing  the  film  on  more  than  one  was  an  advertisement  for  The  Australian  A  more  serious  problem  that  I  experienced
        screen. Every session sold out hours ahead and  Theatre Historical Society which had recently  whilst at Village was that of teenage drinking
        there were many complaints due to numbered  been  formed  in  the Orpheum  Theatre  at  and street kids. Often on weekends there would
        seating and how early the sessions had sold  Cremorne. I joined this Society and in a very  be large groups of young people congregating
                                            short time became President for the next seven
        out. When the film began its season, there was                          in the street outside the theatre. Some of these
        a directive for the projectionists which stated  years. Throughout those years, I tried to save  children were as young as eight years old. They
        that  the  film  must  be  screened  with  the  a number of theatres without much success. I  were usually drunk and caused problems for
        masking out at 'scope and the sound turned up  joined  with  Actors  Equity  at  their  press  everyone.  My  concern  was  why  they  were
        loud. It was so loud that it hurt. I was very sick  conference  trying  to  save  Sydney’s Regent  there, and why wasn't anyone doing anything
        of this film by the time it finally left us. Not  Theatre.  It  was  a  shame  that  we  lost  this  about  it?  I  got  to  know  a  number  of  these
        only were there the continual screenings, but  theatre.                 children and often they would come to me for
        all of the merchandising that went along with                           help. One of them died in the street one night
        it. It may sound crazy but when the Orpheum  One weekend in 1988, I was in the Capitol  and  I  had  to  console  his  friends.  This
        at  Cremorne  was  reopened  in  1987,  I  went  Theatre when it was opened to the public for  experience caused me to join a number of drug
        along on the opening weekend to see E. T. in  comments to decide if it should be restored. It  education prevention groups.
        70 mm. At least I hadn't seen the film for a few  was at this inspection that I first met Mr Paul
        years.                              Dravet, General Manager of Hayden Theatres.  Whilst at college I had to do an assignment
                                            Paul  later  played  an  important  part  in  my  based on a child's reading progress. I had to
        Village was the first job that I had for a long  career.                spend  one  hour  per  week  with  a  child  and
        period of time. Although it was only a casual
                                                                                record his progress. This was a way of getting
                                                                                to know some more of the children that were
         Hayden Orpheum, Cremorne  (CTA collection)                             hanging around the theatre. I selected a boy I
                                                                                was always kicking out of the theatre. I found
                                                                                his school and began working with him. It was
                                                                                a great help for him in both his academic levels
                                                                                and in his social development. Unfortunately
                                                                                his family moved away and I have not seen
                                                                                him for years. It would be nice to see how he
                                                                                has grown up, and would be about 20 years old
                                                                                now. I believe my time spent at Village taught
                                                                                me to be a more caring person. It was the time
                                                                                I tried to change the world, and I think I made
                                                                                a small impression. Who knows?

                                                                                By the time 1990 came around, I began to miss
                                                                                the theatres. In August I wrote to a number of
                                                                                theatres asking for work. A few days later, the
                                                                                Manager of the Hayden High Street Cinemas
                                                                                in  Penrith  called  me  and  offered  me  a  job.
                                                                                Penrith became my second cinema complex. I
                                                                                was to stay there until February 1993. ¬

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