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Court scored another first with the screening
                                                                                of His Lady in April, simultaneously with the
                                                                                new Capitol Theatre in Sydney.

                                                                                Finally, it was advertised that The Razor Gang
                                                                                would  be  screened  -  Lismore’s  own  screen
                                                                                classic. The local press reported the following
                                                                                day: “The large audience at the Star Court
                                                                                last  night  had  the  unusual  experience  of
                                                                                witnessing the screening of a film, The Razor
                                                                                Gang,  in  which  local  personalities  have  the
                                                                                parts. Scenes in Lismore and Grafton form the
                                                                                background.  Filmed  by  the  Hollywood  on
                                                                                Holidays  Company  under  the  direction  of
                                                                                Mr.  W.  Reed,  the  picture  represents  an
                                                                                achievement  in  local  production  and  is  a
                                                                                tribute to the enterprise of the management of
                                                                                the Star Court Theatre. The photography is
                                                                                excellent.  That  there  is  screen  talent  in
                                                                                Lismore  is  proved  by  the  capable  way  the
                                                                                local  artists  portray  their  respective  parts.
                                                                                The  interiors  were  shot  on  the  stage  of  the
                                                                                Star  Court,  and  in  the  picture  are  many
                                                                                scenes familiar to the people of Lismore. The
                                                                                picture will be shown again tonight.”
                                                                                Sound  was  installed  at  the Star  Court  in
                                                                                1929; the plant was RCA Photophone. Floors
                                                                                were carpeted and new seats installed in the
                                                                                dress  circle.  The  opening  attraction  was  the
                                                                                MGM feature Alias Jimmy Valentine, starring
                                                                                Lionel Barrymore.

                                                                                In 1929, the open courtyard to the theatre was
                                                                                filled in with a shopping arcade, the facade of
                                                                                the theatre no longer visible from the street.

                                                                                In 1933, it was reported that “Mr. Dorgan’s
                                                                                chain  of  north  coast  theatres  is  rapidly
                                                                                assuming  a  very  prominent  place  in  the
                                                                                amusement  world.  An  instance  is  the
                                                                                inauguration of releases simultaneously with
                                                                                capital cities of the Australian and overseas
                                                                                newsreels.  At  present,  a  movement  is  being
                                                                                made  to  do  the  same  with  the  majority  of
                                   Star Court Cinema today
                                                                                feature films.”
        his  theatre  of  a  regular  supply  of  good  Jesters,  the  greatest  jazz  band  in  the
        product.  Union  Theatres  was  a  growing  Commonwealth.  Such  were  the  types  of  On 23 May 1933, the local newspaper, The
        distribution  and  exhibition  combine,  which  entertainment that were presented on a regular  Northern Star, carried an item relating to plans
        was expanding rapidly in the early 1920s.  basis at the Star Court.     made  by  Mr.  T.J.  Dorgan  to  erect  a  new
                                                                                cinema in Molesworth Street, to be named the
        In August 1922, the Star Court screened Way  March 1928 saw an historic event. On stage  Plaza. This new, modern structure would later
        Down East, directed by D.W. Griffith. From  was  the Hollywood  on  Holidays  Company.  become  the Vogue  Theatre  and  opened  on
        4  September  1922,  the  Lismore  Music  Segments  of  a  film  would  be  filmed  on  the  11 November 1935. (I will cover the history
        Festival  occupied  the  stage.  Following  the  stage in front of a live audience, using local  of  the  Vogue  in  a  later  issue  of
        Festival, the Fisk Jubilee Singers appeared, as  performers. “Your own picture! In your own  CinemaRecord.)
        well as Levante, the world famous illusionist.  town! With local talent! 125,000 candlepower
        In  November  1922,  Amy  Castles,  the  in huge arc lamps will be placed on the stage,  I recall going to the Star Court between the
        Australian  world  famous  dramatic  soprano,  and  the  interior  scenes  of  the  story  will  be  years 1936-1940. Friday nights were the most
        gave her farewell appearance. Whether it be  directed  and  photographed  as  it  is  done  in  favoured, as the program included a chapter of
        for  films  or  stage  performances,  business  at  Hollywood.”  A  few  days  later,  another  the latest serial from Universal, such as The
        the Star  Court  could  be  so  buoyant  that  it  advertisement, similar to the above, stated that  Vanishing  Shadow,  Flash  Gordon,  Flaming
        resulted in patrons standing at the rear of the  “the  photographer  would  be  Dal  Clawson,  Frontiers  and Wild  West  Days,  amongst
        hall,  chairs  added,  even  persons  sitting  on  and Director W.R. Reed. The featured players  others.  There  was  always  a  line-up  at  the
        Mintie tins.                        would be locals Heather Belle McInnes, Edie  ticket office, and the queue stretched along the
                                            Thornly, Mrs. E. Puddicombe, John Simpson,  right  side  lane  until  the  doors  opened  and
        Major  films  of  that  era  were  often  Percy  Dansy.  Your  opportunity  to  see  the  there was a mad rush to secure the first seats
        accompanied  by  a  prologue  depicting  the  actual creation of a photoplay.”  in the front stalls. By session start time, most
        theme of the film to follow. In July 1927, a                            of the area would be filled, including the rows
        special screening of The Eucharistic Congress  It  would  be  two  months  before  Lismore  at the front which had long wooden benches,
        was shown, produced by the Fox Company. In  audiences  could  see  the  film  at  the Star  like garden seats.
        September 1927, The World’s Wonder Show  Court,  presented  as The  Razor  Gang.  Its
        from J.C. Williamsons was featured, followed  production was delayed by damage to the film  After the show, we would join one of the two
        a  few  weeks  later  by  Keith’s  Syncopating  studio in Sydney. In the meantime, the Star  buses that covered the South Lismore areas.

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