Page 18 - CinemaRecord #87
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to the opening, the press reported that the very very wealthy, but did not
popular Hawthorn Pipe Band, in full regalia, stay that way for long. He
would start from the Sarah Sands Hotel and was an easy touch and
parade through the streets of Brunswick before gave most of it away.
proceeding to the Amphitheatre in time for
the opening at 7.45 pm. In 1971, Harry's beloved
wife Veronica sadly died,
In 1917, Harry left the Amphitheatre because and he decided to retire
of an offer made to him to manage the Lyric to the little town of
Theatre in Fitzroy, which may have been Noorat near Terang.
struggling. If so, there was no better man than
Harry to rescue it. Evidently he succeeded. In Harry died there at the
a letter to the Brunswick and Coburg Leader, ripe old age of 89,
it was stated that "Mr Harry Watson, former survived by his daughter
Brunswick Picture Theatre manager sends his Shirley and son George.
regards to his Brunswick friends and says that Harry and Veronica's
he is doing well as manager of the Lyric in ashes were combined,
Fitzroy." and now lay under a rose
bush in the peaceful
surrounds of the rose
garden at the Terang
I like to think that they
now rest amidst the red
and white blooms set in
a lush lawn with leafy
green trees nearby, for
somehow that scene
reflects the colourful
lives that Harry and
Veronica had shared
together for so many
years in the Brunswick of
old. ê
Acknowledgements: The late Les Barnes for passing on to me so much
I would sincerely like to thank the following people information about Harry Watson's colourful career
for assisting me so greatly to bring this rather in Brunswick.
difficult article to fruition:-
Other Sources:
Brunswick and Coburg Leader Friday 14 Dec. 1917 My expert genealogist, Alan Saunder, for his usual "Frame by Frame - A History of Brunswick's Picture
patience and enthusiasm in helping me with my Theatres" by Laurie Cunningham 1995.
research for this article.
Sometime later, Harry left the Lyric to become
Newspaper Reports Picnic to Greensborough
the manager of the Empire theatre in Bourke My historian friend, Laura Donati, for proof reading arranged by Harry Watson, Brunswick & Coburg
Street. He remained in that role until 1927, the article and making helpful suggestions. Leader.
when he took on a completely different Mr Grant Watson, Harry Watson's grandson, for
vocation - that of a racecourse bookmaker. being kind enough to send me some photos of Harry Report on Marriage to Veronica Devere Rice,
Like many of his counterparts, Harry became and passing on some helpful information. Brunswick & Coburg Leader, 22 May 1914.
Report on Harry's taking over the Amphitheatre and
its subsequent spectacular opening night, Brunswick
& Coburg Leader, 29 January 1915.
Comment on Harry showing war slides at the Empire
Theatre, Brunswick & Coburg Leader, 16 February
Additional information about Harry following his
death, The Terang Times, 2 July 1974.
Article on Harry Watson as an omniscient utility
man travelling to Victorian Towns, showing moving
pictures to the locals, Melbourne Argus, 17
September 1938.
Newsletter of the Brunswick Community History
Group, August 2012. Used with permission.