Page 14 - CinemaRecord #87
P. 14

Robert Parkinson
            n  7  November  1914,  readers  of  the  appearing on cinema screens in the film to his  investment.  Large  numbers  of  theatre-goers
        OSydney  Morning  Herald  might  have  horrified  astonishment  but  to  the  great  attended performances in late 1916 and early
        noticed a small item under "Amusements." It  amusement  of  his  friends.  The  operetta  was  1917 despite the war having lasted over two
        reported that the London theatrical profession  light, sparkling and well-dressed with a wealth  years at that point.
        was  indignant  because  an  army  officer  had  of attractive music which amused enthusiastic
        complained  that  the  musical  comedy, The  audiences  everywhere.  Musical  items  were  The  Cinema  Star  was  presented  by
        Chocolate  Soldier  had  been  revived  at  the  also advertised separately to the music-loving  J.C.  Williamsons’  Royal  Comic  Opera
        Lyric  Theatre  and The  Cinema  Star  was  public.                     Company  at  Melbourne's Her  Majesty's
        playing at the Shaftesbury with part profits                            Theatre from Saturday 7 October 1916 until
        going to an enemy country since Britain had                             it  moved  to  Sydney's Her  Majesty's  on
        gone to war with Germany in August of that                              23  December  1916,  then  Brisbane's His
        year,  and  the  composers  were  Austrian  and                         Majesty's  Theatre  on  24  April  1917,  and
        German  respectively,  viz.  Oscar  Straus  and                         finally Adelaide's Theatre Royal on 19 May
        Jean Gilbert (real name Max Winterfeld).                                1917.

        Gilbert was born in Hamburg on 11 February                              Readers might be interested to know that the
        1879 and became one of the most successful                              following   Melbourne   picture   theatres
        composers  for  the  German  musical  stage,                            advertised in The Age when The Cinema Star
        winning enormous world-wide popularity until                            came to town — Hoyts Olympia de Luxe,
        World  War  I  intervened. Die  Kino-Konigen                            Majestic,  Kings,  Paramount,  West's  and
        (approximate  translation  "The  Cinema                                 Glenferrie Theatre. Vaudeville and comedy
        Queen"),  a  3-act  operetta,  had  its  first                          were playing at the Bijou, Princess, Theatre
        performance   at   the    Deutsches                                     Royal and Tivoli.
        Operettentheatre, Hamburg on 22 November
        1912.  The  farcical  plot  involved  a  social                         Readers  might  also  be  wondering  about  the
        reformer mistaking a film star for the Russian                          names of the Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane
        princess  she  plays  in  a  film.  He  secures  an                     theatres  where The  Cinema  Star  appeared.
        introduction, joins rehearsals and finds himself                        Melbourne's Alexandra Theatre was opened
                                                                                in  1886  in  Exhibition  Street,  named  after
                                                                                Princess Alexandra, wife of the future King
                                             Jean Gilbert (1879 - 1942)   Source: Wikipedia  Edward  VII.  In  1900,  J.C.  Williamson  took
                                            In January 1914, the operetta was produced in  over the theatre, and renamed it Her Majesty’s
                                            the United States under the title The Queen of  in  honour  of  Queen  Victoria.  After  Queen
                                            the  Movies,  with  a  try-out  at  Washington's  Victoria’s death in 1901, the theatre retained
                                            Columbia Theatre before transferring to New  its name until 1924, when it was renamed His
                                            York's Globe.  The  London  premiere  took  Majesty’s in honour of King George V. The
                                            place  on  4  June  1914  at  the Shaftesbury  name  reverted  to Her  Majesty’s  in  1953
                                            Theatre where the title now appeared as The  following the coronation of Queen Elizabeth
                                            Cinema Star. Following Britain's declaration  II, and is still in operation today.
                                            of  war  on  Germany  in  August  1914,  anti-
                                            German sentiment forced closure of the show  Sydney's Her  Majesty's,  also  named  after
                                            after 109 performances, although it continued  Queen Victoria opened in 1887 on the corner
                                            to play in the provinces.           of  Pitt  and  Market  Streets.  The  site  is  now
                                                                                occupied by the Centrepoint shopping centre
                                            Australia seems to have had no qualms about  A later Her Majesty's (the renamed Empire)
                                            the show's origins, which were probably not  stood in Quay Street, but has been demolished
                                            advertised  by  promoters  to  protect  their  for residential units.

          Above:   Advertisement “Brisbane Courier”
                              14 April 1917, page 2                                            Adelaide’s Theatre Royal

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