Page 38 - CinemaRecord #84
P. 38
Gerry Kennedy
s we celebrate the 25 anniversary of the a photocopier. The compilation of Team (Mike Trickett, Dick Twentyman and
Aformation of CATHS, we look back at CinemaRecord was by volunteer effort, often Gerry Kennedy)
the formation of two of the most important accompanied by enjoyable social banter (and
aspects of the Society – our magazine and our of course the occasional glass of red). Whilst on the same trip the possibility of
archive. establishing an archive was discussed. The
Eventually, production progressed to having late Kevin Corke from Sydney had sent me a
Way back in 1993, Peter O’Reilly, the magazine “set” by a professional designer, large box of files with a note saying that
subsequently our first CinemaRecord editor, and printed by a commercial company. “…he cannot do all of Australia so here is the
and myself decided to visit Adelaide to look Victorian information …..” We therefore had
at any surviving or operational cinemas and Our first colour cover edition was number 13, the basis of an archive collection.
theatre buildings that we could find. Of which was a special edition to celebrate the
course we checked out theatres or likely halls reopening of Melbourne’s Regent Theatre; it Peter O’Reilly approached the Prahran
along the way. We travelled to Adelaide via having been saved from demolition by an Mechanics Institute (PMI) Local History
the Western Highway from Melbourne via action group, of which CATHS was an active Library for assistance in starting an archive.
Ballarat and Horsham, returning on the member. Thanks to the secretary – librarian at the time,
Princes Highway through Mount Gambier Catherine Milward-Bason, we were offered
(SA), Portland, Warrnambool and Colac in The next colour edition was number 45, space under the stairs at one end of the library
Victoria. We were surprised at how much which celebrated our 15 anniversary. Over to begin with. The collection grew quickly
from the past still existed. the years the magazine has grown in content and PMI generously offered us the use of an
and size. adjoining shop.
We had hours of chat time, Peter started
talking about CATHS, and said we should In December 2010, it was decided to produce The archive collection has now become quite
have some sort of magazine and so the idea all on-going editions with colour covers, front substantial, filling six filing cabinets, as well
of a quarterly magazine was born. and back. . as numerous folders, occupying about 20
metres of shelf space.
The idea of the CinemaRecord logo came The early editions were around twenty pages
from the format of the CinemaScope logo. and as stated earlier, were photocopy quality.
All have been re-mastered and reprinted on
quality paper and are available from our Sales
The development of new computer programs
has enabled improved design, as well as
access to a wide range of images.
Peter O’Reilly as first editor, produced the
first 27 editions. He was followed by Martin
Powell, Stan Gunn, Ian Smith, Kevin Adams
(two terms) and now our 2014 Magazine
15th anniversary edition of CinemaRecord
The first edition of CinemaRecord The archive is now open two days a week
with around a ten regular volunteers
The actual name was a variation on the attending.
weekly Victorian football publication, the
Footy Record. The current PMI buildings in High Street,
were sold in 2009. The PMI then purchased,
The first edition was January 1994, and it and has almost completed the refurbishment
was a humble photocopied production of 20 of, a larger building nearby. The PMI hopes
pages. Even back then it was a struggle to get to move into the new facilities later this year.
enough articles and images to fill it and to CATHS is delighted to be moving as well,
make deadlines (which were often extended). and is looking forward to having more space
and the further development of our archival
The magazine was compiled and printed in Special edition of CinemaRecord celebrating the collection in our 25 year. H
various work places until CATHS purchased re-opening of Melbourne’s Regent Theatre, 1996.