Page 4 - CinemaRecord #77C
P. 4
C A H S would like to congratulate you and
I your researchers on a magnificent
HISTORICAL SOCIETY publication. We could not have wished
ESTABLISHED 1989 for a better Xmas present!
Australia In extending our history in the Picture Shows
ABN 37 195 378 179 of Gawler (CR#76) l feel that you covered
Reg A0020747R the Gawler Institute well and also John
Thorpe’s present day Village Cinemas.
The aim of CATHS is to record the history of You have wetted my enthusiasm to try and
cinemas and theatres, and to promote interest in collect more data on the Institute’s theatre
theatre heritage, architecture and other days and also to record for posterity the
related areas. revival of the Village complex.
Patrons: I have been dealing with the Institute as a
Peter Smith OAM separate entity as it is not so easy to obtain
information. I was on the Gawler Institute
Frank Van Straten OAM
Committee for 30 years occupying the
Committee: position of Treasurer, President and Archivist Gawler Institute. Pic by Brian Pearson.
at various times throughout that period. I did
President Gerry Kennedy 0432 434 169 go through the minute books and recorded
Vice President Royce Harris 9589 3448 various dates of events relative to the theatre have been reading the latest CinemaRecord
Secretary Mike Trickett 5278 1986 in the Institute. I (76) and I think it has reached a watershed
Treasurer Rodney Bendix 9563 2927 The last time I was in the Institute Bio box it recently. To have such wonderfully
Editor/Committee K.Adams 0409 946 066 was painted matte black, the projector had been researched stories and histories is great, but
Committee Shane Moore removed but the stand was still there and there to have pictures and ads to accompany them
was still a volt/amp meter(?) on the wall. truly puts the icing on the cake. You have
Downstairs in the basement there is a staircase done an exceptional job.
Archivist Gerry Kennedy 0432 434 169 which goes down to another level and down The Harry Grattan Snr/Jnr article by Ross
Qld.Convenor / Publicity Officer: there was the 600 volt DC (I think) motor/ King was wonderful as I’d heard so much
Steve Maggs 0413 805 320 generator at the bottom of this staircase so about them from Ross and Alan Windley
as to get it as far away from the audience I over the years.
presume. I tried to get photographs but can’t
recall if I was successful as there was not I always wondered if that building in
Contacting CATHS: much room to get back from the subject. Koo Wee Rup was the old cinema; what a
Post P.O.Box 476. Bentleigh. Vic. 3205 The Institute Cinema was always on my great little place. I had not heard about the
Email ‘bucket list’ but Gawler has such a fascinating Townsville North Ward Drive-In either!
Caths Website history that is hard to get around to all that Hope your Christmas was a good one.
one would like to achieve in a lifetime!
Brian, the President of our Wiki ‘Now and
CinemaRecord Magazine: Then’ project, was wrapped with your Kind regards,
production and would like to post it to the David Kilderry
Editor Kevin Adams 0409 946 066 Wiki website.
Postal for magazine content only K.Adams Coral, the wife of co-author (the late Brenton n the article “The Wards of Brighton – A
Rusby) is also keen to obtain a copy as both
P.O.Box 535, Carlton North. Vic. 3054 Brenton and his father were both dedicated IMovie Dynasty” (CR#75) Brian Pearson
projectionists and loved the theatre. states that the comedian Tony Handcock ended
his life in a Sydney hotel room. It is true that
Thanking You - You did us proud. he committed suicide in Sydney (January
Memberships & Publication Sales: 25, 1968), but it was definitely not in a hotel
Jim & Maureen Barrand 0418520315 John Clift. room. This phurphy has been heard before, and
P.O.Box 476. Bentleigh. Victoria. 3205 Gawler, S.A. yet, significantly, the name of the supposed
Annual membership subscription is $45. establishment has never been divulged!
(overseas $50) and members receive four s a footnote to last issue’s news item Handcock was found dead at the garden flat of
copies of CinemaRecord, notifications of events, Aabout the refurbishment of the Shirley 98 Birriga Road, Bellevue Hill.
copies of the agenda and minutes of meetings. Burke Theatre at Parkdale (Vic), in addition It is extraordinary that no mention was made
There is no joining fee. to the activities listed there were also regular of Handcock’s notorious drunken performance
film screenings between 1964 and the mid on stage at the Dendy Brighton on October 10,
1980s. 1967 when he was booed, and then ordered a
CATHS Meetings: These 16mm screenings were by the spotlight to be shone on a heckler!
Mordialloc Film Society for members and
Are held on the last Sunday of February, April, guests using a Siemens projector at the On the following Sunday, a sober Handcock
redeemed himself by giving a few shw for
June, August, October & November. start, later supplemented by a Bauer unit for
unbroken presentations. those who had attended the earlier disaster.
CATHS Archive: The Film Society shared the theatre with Apart from this the article was very
The Archive is located in the Prahran Mechanics the Mordialloc Theatre Company and there informative and well illustrated – including
Institute, 140 High Street Prahran. 9510 3393. were some lively exchanges between the the comedians photo.
The archive will be open between 9.30am and groups when the sets constructed by the
12.30pm on the Saturday before each meeting theatre people impeded the lowering of You are doing an excellent job and wish you
all the best for 2013.
and at other times by appointment the CinemaScope screen from the flies.
with the archivist. Eventually, video killed the Film Society. Kind Regards,
Gordon Evans Alan Bell.
Sandringham. VIC. Paruna. SA.