Page 19 - CinemaRecord #77C
P. 19

The  theatre  was  renamed  the  Paris  from
              February 17, 1966 re-opening with a 70mm
              TODD-AO  season  of  The  Sound  of  Music
              which  achieved  an Adelaide  record  run  of
              over two years.

              To  enable  stage  2  of  the  Regent  Arcade
              project to proceed, the Paris Theatre closed   New 1969 entrance and stairs.
              in Saturday May 25, 1968 after a season of A
              Guide to the Married Man.
                                                 In 1977 the names were extended to Regent
              The  adjoining  Regent  Theatre  had  closed   Cinema One and Regent Cinema Two.
              in  1967  for  conversion  to  a  single-floored
              auditorium in the former balcony and complete   In  1983,  Regent  Cinema  Two  (former
              demolition  of  the  Paris  (and  adjacent  Sturt   Paris) was closed for twinning from Monday
              Arcade  Hotel)  allowed  for  completion  of  a   12   September.  The  venue  re-emerged  as
              shopping  arcade  through  the  former  stalls  of   Regent  Cinemas  Two  (370  seats)  and
              the Regent to Grenfell Street.  The new-look   Regent Cinema Three (397 seats). Dividing
              Regent opened on May 30, 1968.     the original single auditorium in half created
                                                 long, narrow auditoriums which were often   Recently a plan has been put forward to divide
              A completely new and larger Paris Cinema   nicknamed “the shooting galleries”! At this   these  two  auditoriums  yet  again  to  create
              was built above the Grenfell Street end of the   time  the  Gawler  Place  cinema  was  also   four small “boutique Gold Class” cinemas.
              arcade and opened a year later on April 17,   renamed, becoming Hoyts Midcity until its   In  December  2012,  local  press  incorrectly
              1969 with the Julie Andrews film Star!   This   closure in 1984.      reported that these would be “housed in the
              new  venue  was  completely  independent  of                          85 year old Regent Theatre building”, but
              the Regent and had its own entry and ticket   With the downturn in cinema attendances in   in reality, if the project proceeds, these new
              box in the arcade with stairs leading to the   the CBD, Hoyts closed the Regent Cinemas   theatres will in reality be housed in the 43-
              upstairs foyer and cinema above. In August   on  28   January  2004.  The  remains  of  the   year old Paris Theatre building!
              1969 the Paris screened MGM’s Ice Station   original Regent auditorium were converted
              Zebra in single (one strip) Cinerama.  into  retail  space,  although  the  projection-  Only time will tell if movies ever return to
                                                 ports  and  much  original  1928  plasterwork
              Hoyts opened a new cinema in Gawler Place on   are still visible. The converted Paris (Regent   this location again.   H
              1st November 1972 named Cinema 3. The same   Cinemas 2 & 3) were occasionally used for   Complied by Kevin Adams from the information
              week, the Regent became Cinema One and the   brief theatrical use, but have mainly remained   of Alan Bell, Brian Pearson and Colin Flint.
              Paris became Cinema Two.           out of use as bare shells.         Newspaper cuttings supplied by Alan Bell.

                                                                                           The completely new Paris in 1969.

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