Page 30 - CinemaRecord #76C
P. 30

Top and Below: Gala Night at the Melbourne Grosvenor.

                                                                                    an advertising agent for all their Melbourne City
                                                                                    theatres except the Grosvenor so the promotion
                                                                                    was  all  my  own  work.  The  Gala  screening
                                                                                    was followed by a large function in the Town
                                                                                    Hall (nearly next door). This event was widely
                                                 I then went to the Grosvenor as an acting   reported in the press and ladies magazines. GU
                                                 manager. I had done an advertising campaign   got lots of free press!
                                                 for  a  film  in  Hobart  called  Make  Mine
                                                 Mink and this film was about to start at the   Gordon Wright in Adelaide, next to screen Make
                                                 Grosvenor.  The campaign was sent down   Mine Mink, received the campaign details from
                                                 from Sydney (as was usual).        Sydney.  He rang me most unhappy that he had
                                                                                    to follow my campaign for his launch; it was just
                                                 The Victorian Heart Foundation was running a   for fun.  I had to do campaigns for the “Royal
                                                 big appeal part of which was the auctioning (or   Ballet” film in Hobart and also in Melbourne.
                                                 maybe a raffle) of a home donated by a building   These were large and very successful. That film
                                                 firm.  I co-ordinated the fur people in Melbourne   ran for months in Melbourne.
                                                 and the Victorian Heart Foundation people (who
                                                 were also on the Lady Mayoress’s committee)   After  the  Grosvenor  I  went  back  to Adelaide.
                                                 onto  a  committee  to  run  a  gala  night  at  the   Because of television, things were getting bad and
                                                 Grosvenor for the opening of Make Mine Mink.  the GU owned Clifford circuit was closing theatres
                                                                                    and they had to find work for one of their married
                                                 I wrote to J Arthur Rank in London requesting   managers. So, being single, I had to find another
                                                 that  the  four  major  stars  of  the  film  send   job.  George Kimlin (the former Adelaide Regent
                                                 telegrams to the National Heart foundation.   I   manager)  and  others,  in  partnership  with  GU
                                                 was reprimanded by Bill Tinkler, the national GU   had built the large Starlight Drive-in theatre in
                                                 city theatres supervisor, for not going through Mr   Canberra. I was offered a job as manager as they’d
                                                 Rydge; nothing more came of it.    had difficulty in finding a competent manager.
                                                 For the Gala we built a catwalk from the stage to   I moved to Canberra and had tremendous trouble
                                                 about six rows into the stalls.  The fur people got   finding suitable single person accommodation.
                                                 four or five models to model the fur coats. The   The best I could get was a hostel where you had
                                                 programs included a lucky number underneath   to check out and check in every two months.
                                                 a  piece  of  fur;  the  programs  were  sold  in  the   The public servants in that city seem to have had
                                                 foyer.  The prize was a fur stole. We sold the best   priority on available accommodation.
                                                 part of the house to society ladies. The front 8
                                                 rows were sold to the Heart Foundation youth   That  drive-in  was  probably  the  most
                                                 members.  The Lord Mayor and Mayoress came   profitable in Australia at that time.  It screened
                                                 to the theatre. The gala was sold out within a day   two sessions a night which caused frequent
                                                 by the Heart Foundation.           traffic congestion.  The restaurant was large
                                                                                    and  very  busy.   After  six  unhappy  months
                                                 GU in Sydney got wind of the gala and wanted   of  trying  to  find  suitable  accommodation  I
                                                 to come down but it was all sold out.  GU had   returned to Greater Union in Adelaide

                                                  Canberra Starlight.

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