Page 29 - CinemaRecord #76C
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In Adelaide and Hobart each theatre manager
              was  responsible  for  their  own  advertising
              and  promotional  campaigns.  In  Sydney
              and Melbourne (except for the Grosvenor)
              they  had  corporate  advertising  offices,  but
              in Adelaide and Hobart the managers were
              fully responsible and were paid commission   Hobart Odeon.
              on the cinema receipts.

              The  managers  had  to  do  their  campaigns  and   GU was always keen to see their name in the
              forward  them  to  GU’s  Market  Street,  Sydney   media. GU was a very diversified company
              head office for approval. The relieving managers   in many facets of business. Norman Rydge,
              often had to do this job; so that is how I got   the  Managing  Director,  would  always  visit
              my advertising experience with Greater Union   his  cinemas  whenever  he  was  in  town  on
              Theatres. I had to liase with the Adelaide papers,   business.    He  arrived  early  in  the  morning
              do the copy and the session times for all the big   when  the  cleaners  were  working.    The
              films of the time.  I worked for Greater Union   cleaners  would  later  inform  me  of  his
              Theatres in Adelaide from 1958 – 63.   visit.  Luckily  Rydge  could  find  nothing
                                                 to complain about when he returned to the
              Jim Begg then called me into his office and said   Sydney head office  Hobart His Majesty’s.
              “ are going to Sydney so pack your car...”.
              He rang me at home that night and said “   I had no fixed working hours in Hobart and
              are going to Hobart!” Jim Begg, having been   as the need arose I was on duty.  I was often
              in Hobart at the Strand/Odeon, briefed me on   required to represent GU at functions.
              how to handle the Tasmanian people. who were
              a little hesitant about people from the mainland,   I  had  to  occasionally  visit  the  Majestic  in
              particularly those from Melbourne or Sydney.  Launceston to overview the venue. It was a
                                                 twenty minute flight from Hobart. So it was
              I  was  going  to  Hobart  as  the  relieving  acting   a short day trip.
              manager  of  the  prestigious  Odeon.  He  also                        Melbourne Odeon.
              arranged for me to take my car from Melbourne
              to  Devonport  (by  ship)  and  then  drive  onto
              Hobart.  I was to be in Hobart for six months.
              The Odeon screened J Arthur Rank and Ealing
              products  and  Universal  and  Columbia  films.
              Opposite  the  Odeon  was  His  Majesty’s,  an
              action house also operated by GU. The Avalon   I did some very good campaigns during my
              screened the MGM and Paramount films and the   stay in Hobart.  After 6 months I left when
              Hoyts Prince of Wales screened 20  Century   John Maroney returned to manage the Odeon
              Fox, United Artists and Warner Bros. Films.  and the rest of the operations. I had my car
                                                 packed and parked at the side of the theatre.
              Wally Webb, also ex Adelaide GU / Clifford   All John asked was for the theatre keys and
              circuit theatres was sent to Hobart a couple of   whether his commission cheque was in the
              years before me. He managed His Majesty’s   safe. So all my work, as an acting manager,
              and  was  upset  that  I  was  given  the  Odeon.     was  reduced  to  a  commission  cheque  for
              A  week  after  I  was  appointed,  GU  closed   the appointed manager.  The staff were very
              His  Majesty’s  and  Wally  was  transferred  to   unhappy when I was going; I did not want
              Sydney.. We both ended up happy. I had to look   to go either.
              after the dark His Majesty’s until GU disposed
              of it. I became the GU representive for Tasmania   On  leaving  Tasmania  I  went  to  GU  in
              and  also  looked  after  the  surviving  Majestic   Melbourne.    Frank  Budd  was  the  chief
              in  Launceston  as  well.  This  house  was  a     in  Melbourne.  They  had  an  advertising
              projectionist/manager operation.   manager in Melbourne. I went there as the
                                                 reliving  manager  for  the  Odeon  and  Time
              My experience with Hoyts and GU in Adelaide   Newsreel  (beneath  the  Odeon),  Chelsea
              gave  me  an  excellent  background  with  which   (70mm house), Grosvenor (British house),
              to  operate  the  Odeon.    I  did  the  promotional   and State theatres.
              campaigns  including  the  street  posters  and
              department  store  activities.  Both  GU  and   I  spent  four  weeks  relieving  at  the  State.
              Hoyts often released films in Hobart to gauge   One night at the State during the screening of
              public reaction to them prior to deciding which   Midnight Lace I returned from my tea break
              cinemas  in  Sydney,  Melbourne  and  Adelaide   and found that the audience had left early; it
              they should be screened; i.e. prestige houses or   turned out that the projectionists had missed   Melbourne Odeon and Times.
              lesser venues.                     screening one reel.  No one complained!

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