Page 28 - CR
P. 28
Above: 16mm film projection c1998.
Left: The Majestic Theatre in 1992.
Below: A 1943-style night in the 1990s.
The couple bought the theatre in 1974 At the passing of Mandy - who had been The theatre was transferred to
and started showing new-release movies the projectionist and also the director of community ownership in 2006 by
as well as running a video hire store to a local theatrical group - the task was an agreement with Ron West, who
supplement their income. made harder for Ron, as he was required desired that the Majestic should
Ron also worked part-time for my son to operate the 8-rank Compton theatre go on forever. This allowed for
in his printing plant at Noosaville. organ that came from a British cinema. government grants and supply of
skilled workers to update and restore
The Majestic was the only cinema in the theatre throughout, with an
the shire until a multi-screen complex excellent job having been done.
was built at Noosa Junction in 1984.
The outside of the theatre has been
In 1979 the stage area was enlarged to updated and painted without losing
allow more complex stage productions its character. A new roof, including
- which were mostly performed by the ventilation flow has been installed and
amateur stage companies of the area. the old stage was rebuilt and redesigned
to allow for a greater range of live
In 1987 the theatre reverted to showing productions, with a full-width stage
only silent films, with Rudolph Valentino door across the back allowing for easier
and Vilma Blanky in Son of the Sheik scenerv docking.
featuring each Thursday night.
Ron was born in 1933, and spent his
An annual “Silent Film Festival” was early life in New Zealand, where at the
run each September with daytime The original projection equipment had age of l0 years he worked at the Opera
performances of Son of the Sheik been replaced with Western Electric House in Hawera, selling programs
thrilling coach groups of enthusiastic equipment from the Brisbane Tivoli during stage productions, or ice-creams
patrons. All achieved by the wonderful Theatre in 1956. This was updated in at movie times.
efforts of Ron and Mandy. 1980 and then eventually a digital DVD
system was installed in 2002. He became a movie projectionist gaining
experience at various cinemas, and even
learnt to play the pipe-organ. He also
gained experience in stage work, scenic
art - and theatre orchestra on piano
or percussion.
He has much experience in film
production and photography too, having
spent l3 years with the Commonwealth
Film Unit (Film Australia) as a sound
engineer - and is often consulted for
advice from his wealth of all-round
theatrical knowledge.
The day that Dianne and I visited the
theatre we were fortunate to meet with
Ron, who was working in the pipe room
and came out for a breath of fresh air.
He took us into the pipe room and
pointed out the different ranks of pipes
and where they had come from in
each case.