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                                                                                 CINEMA, THEATRE &
                                                 NEWSREEL                       SHOWBUSINESS NEWS             •••••
                                             • •• • •• • •• • •• • •• • •• • •• •• •• • •• • •• • •• • •• • •• • •• •• ••
                  ABN 37 195 378 179        NEW SOUTH WALES                       MUSWELLBROOK is to gain a
                    Reg A0020747R                                              Community Cinema with the Shire
                                               KYOGLE: The Richmond Valley     Council set to develop a convention
           The aims of CATHS are: to record the  Cinemas closed on March 31 due to  and performance space in the
           history of cinemas and theatres, and to  the retirement of owners, Stuart and
           promote interest in theatre heritage and                            Campbells Corner heritage buildings.
           architecture, and other related areas.  Margaret Everett - both now in their  The town has been without a cinema
                                            70s. The complex was opened in 1999
                       Patrons:                                                since the Piazza Theatre closed many
                  Frank Van Straten OAM     after Stuart purchased the former RSL  years ago.
                    Peter Smith OAM         Hall and redeveloped it by creating
                                                                                  SYDNEY: The spectacular 1929
                     Committee:             three auditoriums and a foyer. The  State Theatre may have the upper
           President: Gerry Kennedy 0432 434 169  business has been for sale at $950,000  levels of its office-block turned into a
             Vice President: Ross King 9370 9479  for some time, and it is hoped new
            Secretary: Mike Trickett 5278 1986  owners can be found to re-open it.   196-room boutique-style hotel by
            Treasurer: Rodney Bendix 9563 2927                                 owners Amalgamated Holdings. The
             Editor/Committee: Kevin Adams                                     $55-million redevelopment will not
                    0409 946 066                                               affect the theatre itself, and Heritage
                Committee: Shane Moore                                         groups have praised the initial design

                                                                               and believe the historic theatre itself
                    Qld. Convenor:                                             will benefit from the overhaul of the
               Steve Maggs 0413 805 320                                        entire building.

                                                                                  BATHURST: Thirty-six patrons
           Archivist: Gerry Kennedy 0432 434 169
                  Events Co-ordinator:                                         were injured when torrential storm rain
                  Les Auld 9689 2765                                           caused the internal ceiling of an
                   Film Buffs Group:                                           auditorium in the Metro 5 Cinemas to
                 Mike Trickett 5278 1986       DUBBO: Dark since 1984, the big  collapse during a matinee in January.
                  Publications Sales:       screen at the former (1970) WestView
               James Barrand 0418 520 315   Drive-In Theatre finally came down in  ALEXANDRIA: Palace Cinemas
           Membership Secretary: Peter O’Reilly  late April. The entire site has now been  plan to open an eight-screen complex in
              PO Box 476 Bentleigh Vic. 3204                                   2012 at the Green Square Town Centre
                 CinemaRecord Editor:       cleared by new owners, Australian Unity  development, south of Sydney’s CBD.
                     Kevin Adams            Health-Care and Retirement Investments,
          whose plans for the property include a
                    CATHS website:          medi-hotel, gym, rehabilitation rooms
                  and retail space.
                    Postal address:
               PO Box 476, Bentleigh 3204.

           Annual membership subscription is $45,
           (overseas subscribers $50) and
           members receive four copies of
           CinemaRecord, notification of events,
           and copies of the agenda and minutes
           of all meetings. There is no joining fee.
           Meetings are held on the last Sunday of
           February, April, June, August, October &
           The Archive is located in the Prahran
           Mechanics’ Institute, 140 High Street
           Prahran, 9510 3393. The Archive will
           be open between 9.30am and 12.30pm
           on the Saturday before each meeting
           (see above), and at other times by
           appointment with the archivist.
           Back issues of CinemaRecord, other
           publications, CDs and videos are
           available at meetings. Items are also
           available by mail. Please contact James
           Barrand on 0418 520 315 for details.

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