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             Waurn Ponds, Victoria

               ocated on the southern edge of
             L Victorian rural city of Geelong,
             the area known as Waurn Ponds was
             little more than a farming
             community less that 25 years ago.
                Today the area is a fast growing,
             vibrant new suburb with the Geelong
             Ring Road giving fast access to
             other areas of Geelong and onto
             Melbourne. As well as the usual
             amenities, the suburb contains two
             major shopping centres, one of
             which is the location of the Reading
             Cinemas 8-screen complex.
                In keeping with the usual
             Reading practice, the cinema
             complex is adjacent to the shopping
             centre with a separate entrance and
             good parking.                       Cinema One, being the showcase  At the conclusion of our visit,
                Our meeting place for the start of  auditorium offers maximum patron  President Gerry Kennedy then
             our February Geelong Day was the  comfort. The stadium style seating  thanked our host, Dick Twentyman
             main entrance and foyer of the   with good legroom and excellent site  for organizing the visit and making
             complex. Our group was warmly    lines, blended with the high ceilings,  himself available for the morning.
             welcomed by CATHS Member and     art deco themed lighting and maroon  He also asked that our thanks be
             Reading Projectionist, Dick      and gold wall drapes make for a  conveyed to manager, Dave Lovell.
             Twentyman.                       very pleasant cinema-going         Departing the complex, it was
                                              experience.                      then off to the CinePix Home
                After providing some
                                                 Members were then invited to  Cinema of Mike and Barb Trickett in
             background on the complex,
                                              inspect the other cinemas one by one;  Geelong West for a late morning tea,
             members were led from the spacious
                                              finally a specially prepared program  followed by lunch. With plenty of
             foyer, with its unusual curved walls
                                              of 3D advertising and trailers was  spare time before the film screening,
             and high curved ceilings into the
                                              presented for us to sample the digital  members enjoyed the opportunity to
             Reading showcase cinema, Cinema
                                              projection facilities.           socialize and relax. At the advertised
             One.  This is the largest of the
             Reading auditoria in the complex; its  Just as the paying patrons were  time of 2.00pm, a musical feature
             19-metre screen makes for a very  starting to gather in the foyer, we  was presented, on 35mm film of
             impressive picture. In keeping with  were ushered up to the projection  course, in Mikes ‘digital free’
             Reading practice, the screen is  room for a look at the equipment.  cinema.
             largest when widescreen programs  This is a very spacious T-shaped
             are shown, the masking coming in  area fitted with Kineton FP50D  Report by Mike Trickett.
             from the top and bottom for      projectors and at present, a single  Photographs by Jim Barrand.
             screening CinemaScope material.   digital 3D projector.

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