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NATIONAL:                             AUCKLAND: A campaign to save       BALMORAL: From up-market art-
                                                   the St.James Theatre Building is   house cinema in the 1980s to
                   EQUAL RIGHTS: Despite a
                                                   underway. Spearheading the movement  Bollywood blockbusters in the early
                requested 30-month exemption to the
                                                   are Mayors John Banks, Bob Harver  2000s, the Capitol Cinema has now
                act from exhibitors, Australian cinemas
                                                   along with Bob Kerridge, Wayne     been restored. Early in 2009 the
                could be forced to provide captions and
                                                   Brittenden, Doug Harley and others.  proprietors of Epsom’s Lido Cinema
                audio descriptions for the hearing and
                                                                                      added the Capitol to their slate. The
                vision impaired following a decision by
                                                                                      Capitol Picture Palace on Dominion
                the Australian Human Rights
                                                                                      Road opened in August 1923 seating
                Commission. The AHRC has indicated
                                                                                      900. It closed after being gutted by fire
                it will refuse an application from the
                                                                                      in 1978 but re-opened as Charley
                major Australian cinema chains for an
                                                                                      Grays Picture Theatre in 1986.
                exemption to the Disability
                                                                                         LEVIN: The Levin Cinema 3
                Discrimination Act.
                                                                                      Complex which opened in 1996, closed
                NEW ZEALAND:                                                          on March 11, 2010. The complex will
                                                                                      be upgraded and re-open in six months
                   DUNEDIN: The historic Regent                                       as a cinema and live theatre venue.
                Theatre (CR issue 55) is in danger of
                closing. It is facing the mammoth task
                of raising $1.73 million by June to
                secure $4.7 million in council funding
                towards its $6.7 million backstage
                development project. The theatre,     PARAPARAUMU: Reading
                described as a “death trap” by touring  Cinemas three-screen location is about
                companies, will be closed for health  to lose seating in two of their cinemas.
                and safety issues if funding is not  Coastlands Mall have told them that
                found.                             space is wanted for shops. The Reading
                                                   location is marginal at best and has
                   MIRAMAR: Work has finally
                                                   been losing business constantly to the  BUY-OUT: Hoyts have purchased
                started on the old Capitol Cinema - six
                                                   Boutique Cinema at Waikanae due to  the country’s fourth largest theatre
                months behind schedule. Builders will
                                                   poor and misguided programming.    circuit for an undisclosed amount. The
                be demolishing most of the building but
                                                   Unofficially, Reading has had the  buy-out of Berkeley Cinema Group
                keeping the façade which dates back to
                                                   Paraparaumu venue on the market and  from Everard Entertainment will need
                1928. While Sir Peter Jackson and
                                                   has offered it to a number of exhibitors  Commerce Commission approval.
                Richard Taylor are no longer involved,
                                                   who have declined. Possible that with  Hoyts control 49 screens in New
                Jamie Selkirk has a new team of
                                                   the major renovation of Coastlands  Zealand and the acquisition of
                investors and the theatre is now
                                                   Reading may use it as an excuse to shut  Berkeley’s 21 screens will give Hoyts a
                expected to open in December.
                                                   up shop and quietly walk away.     total of 70 against SkyCity/AHL’s 72,
                                                                                      Reading’s 58 and Rialto’s 16.
                                                                                      Interesting that the Hoyts purchase took
                                                                                      place as it announced that Hoyts itself
                                                                                      was up for sale.
                                                                                         WELLINGTON: A freak storm in
                                                                                      mid- March saw part of the roof lift off
                                                                                      the Time Cinema. Quick work by staff
                                                                                      and firemen removed all the projection
                                                                                      equipment before water poured into the
                                                                                      projection box and through into the
                                                                                      theatre. No film was lost but much
                                                                                      water damaged carpet and fixtures
                                                                                      meant that the cinema will be closed
                                                                                      until mid-April.

                                                                                      Newsreel Contributors: Brian Hunt;
                                                                                      Ian Hanson; Ross King; Colin Flint;
                                                                                      William Gray; David Lascelles;
                                                                                      Kevin Adams; Brett Enright;
                                                                                      Gerry Kennedy and others.
                                                                                      All News contributions & letters are
                                                                                      welcome but may be edited due to content,
                                                                                      clarity or space requirements.

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