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Against The Odds
By the
Group *
he building that was the Plaza ‘…a little elderly gentleman about to In one account, the Plaza was the
TNorthcote stands on the west side expand his horse breeding interests and first theatre to open on the basis of the
of bustling High Street, its northern invest in show business.’ In fact, Mr offer from MGM and Paramount to
wall parallel with an insignificant Elm Menck was consistent in his interests. support independent owners, and in so
Street. It’s a time-worn façade, but When he opened the Plaza, he was doing break Hoyts’ hegemony over
distinctive; the art-deco tower now a already a racing identity, and his horse suburban exhibition. If this was the
perch for telecommunication Colonus was to win the 1942 incentive Mr. Menck was quick to
equipment. A building that does not Melbourne Cup. come on board: the Plaza opened on 29
give up its secrets easily; yet a December 1934, two years before
reminder of one man’s determination to Independent Suburban Theatres became
run a cinema in the face of powerful a newspaper column, and at least a year
opposition, then break with the past and before any other new theatre was built.
turn to variety. And if he did build his theatre as a
It was a unique and quixotic venture result of a distributor’s promise, he was
for 1950s Melbourne, but it survived soon to be double-crossed.
for as long as many theatres with better In the Application to Build(4) the
pedigrees and richer backers. If the project was described as ‘...alteration of
Plaza did have triumphs along the way, market premises at 412 High St to a
its management was probably more picture theatre’, which suggests that
often living a Nightmare on Elm Street. part of the Northcote market was
It’s a Puzzlement (1) recycled into the new structure. It
seemed a great location, close to a
The Plaza was the dream of Mr
major intersection, with the High Street
Ludbrook Owen Menck, who
tram passing the door, even though the
commissioned and owned it to the end.
Northcote Theatre (1912) was less than
When he turned it to live theatre one of
400 metres south.
the investors would later say of him,