Page 11 - CinemaRecord Edition 3-2003 #41
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the National Film and Sound Archive,
          Canberra were part of a visit in October
            The winning combination of cinema
          and scenery meant that CATHS
          returned to the high country for a
          Myrtleford weekend in October 2006.
          Our hosts Tiff and Barbara Rayner,
          who ran the cinema there for years, did
          such a great job that we came back for
          more in March 2009.
            Trains in imagery and reality always
          go well with members. A visit to the
          Majestic Moe, Peter Rickett’s home
          cinema and film museum, (worthy of
          the Australian Centre for the Moving
          Image (ACMI)), then a trip on the
          restored Walhalla narrow-gauge line,  Busy trade at the Swap Meet 2009
          was a highlight of April 2005.
                                            and so little understood by most of the  A new location can be a shakeup in
            The tour in September 2007 was to
                                            audience. Steve Maggs and I were   more ways than one, and might trigger
          south-west Victoria and some of rural
                                            fortunate to catch up with Daryl   new ideas about presenting our interest
          towns of South Australia. We were
                                            Binning, one of the instigators of  to the world. For now though, let’s just
          fortunate to be able to scramble all over
                                            AMMPT, on a visit to Perth last year.    celebrate a Happy Birthday.  ★
          the Capitol Warrnambool, now closed
                                               What of the future? At the 15th
          after a major fire.                                                  Inaugural Office Bearers 1989/90
                                            anniversary a prediction was made that
            Hiring the former Plaza Essendon                                   President:         Ken Tulloch
                                            membership might continue on its path
          in May 2005 and transforming the                                     Vice-President:    Rod cook
                                            of exponential growth. This didn’t
          interior into a showcase of cinema                                   Secretary:         Fred page
                                            happen. Our membership is stable, but a
          history, was something new. Essendon                                 Treasurer:         Rod How
                                            disappointing feature has been the
          Goes To The Pictures proved popular,
                                            inability to attract and hold youthful  And Thereafter -
          eliciting a few stories that made their
                                            members. Unless their numbers can  President:
          way into CinemaRecord.
                                            reach critical mass they are unable to  1991-92       Ken Tulloch
            Cinema visits in Victoria included
                                            challenge the accepted way of doing  1993             Rod Cook
          Reading’s multiplex south of Geelong
                                            things. To expect youth to show passion  1994-95      Garry Saunders
          in July 2005, inspection of the
                                            for the ‘golden age’ of cinema buildings  1996-97     Gerry Kennedy
          refurbished Westgarth in 2006, the
                                            is unrealistic. We lived it; telling young  1998      Rod Cook
          Village Twin at Shoppingtown
                                            people about it doesn’t work.      1999               Trevor Walters
          Doncaster before it was demolished,                                  2000-2009          Gerry Kennedy
                                               What is more likely is that the form
          and our own home, the Sun Yarraville,
                                            of building they have grown up with  -  Vice-President:
          when additions brought it to six screens
                                            the multiplex - will in time find its  1991           Rod Cook
          in 2006.
                                            historians, and their writings will  1992-93          Garry Saunders
            We toured the amazing facilities for
                                            construct a new canon of best cinemas.  1994-96       Rod How
          projection and audio-visual teaching at
                                               While I await this day, much    1997               Fred Page
          ACMI in February 2007, and lobbied
                                            remains to be done. Beyond a certain  1998            Garry Saunders
          strongly on the day for a permanent
                                            size, the acquisition of photos, text and  1999-2000  Mike Trickett
          exhibit detailing the history of cinema.
                                            artefact becomes burdensome, unless it  2001-2009     Peter Wolfenden
          Perhaps it helped; such an exhibit has
                                            is catalogued and readily accessible.
          just opened to the public.                                           Secretary:
                                            CATHS’ major archival project is the
            The formation of the Queensland                                    1991-96            Fred Page
                                            construction of a user-friendly,
          chapter of CATHS in 2008, chaired by                                 1997               Kay Branton
                                            computer-based, data retrieval system.
          Steve Maggs, enabled the local group                                 1998               Fred Page
                                            The computer program INMAGIC is the
          to inspect the Empire Toowoomba in                                   1999-2000          Kay Branton
                                            engine-house of this ambitious project.
          July, the Dendy Brisbane, just before it                             2001-09            Mike Trickett
                                            It is a time-consuming task for a time-
          closed in February 2009 and to also see
                                            poor Secretary, Archivist, and their  Treasurer:
          over what is now a reduced Regent
                                            assistants, but one beginning to show  1991-93        Rod How
          Brisbane, in September 2009.
                                            results.                           1994 -97           Rod Cook
            The formation of the Australian
                                               CATHS’Archive is held at the    1998               Kay Branton
          Museum of Motion Picture Technology
                                            Prahran Mechanics Institute, the perfect  1999-2008   Barrie Wraith
          (AMMPT) in Perth is another example
                                            base for our Society. If a recent plan to  2009       Rod Bendix
          of enthusiasts determined to keep the
                                            sell the Institute proceeds, our
          lamp burning for the equipment once
                                            collection will move with the Institute.
          essential for the enjoyment of films,
                                                                                       CINEMARECORD 2009 11
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