Page 10 - CinemaRecord Edition 3-2003 #41
P. 10
When CATHS-Victoria (CATHS-V) the name, has been equally important.
was formed in 1989, some members This record, and the collective
joked that if it could last 20 years, it experience of those members who
would be rated a success. Well, here we worked in the theatre or cinema, has
are at the milestone and yes, we’ll meant that visual arts faculties, program
claim success, but I would like to show producers and heritage consultants
that the early speculation about a ‘use- sometimes ask for background
by’ date was wrong. The organization assistance. Members’ knowledge was
has grown up, and there are challenges invaluable for the production of the
ahead, but nothing more daunting than booklet celebrating the centenary of
were faced down in the formative years. Hoyts in September 2009.
Before I write about the future, let’s CATHS’ committees have always
savour the milestone. Pause to enjoy recognized the importance of
some memories of what CATHS has international linkages. The first visit to
done well over the past few years. It is New Zealand was to meet the Film
easy to read the objectives of any CATHS Buffs and tour in 2000, and the
organization, but activities speak loudest. interaction continues.
The early history of CATHS Inc Celebrates 20 Years CATHS hosted a visit by the British
(‘Victoria’ was deleted from the name Cinema and Theatre Association (CTA)
in 2004) was summarized in by Gerry Kennedy members in February 2006. Through
CinemaRecord 45, on the occasion of this contact some CATHS’ members
the 15th anniversary. What follows here joined CTA on a tour of New York
will be more about the last five years. theatres in October 2007, which also
At the same time it is important to enabled participants to meet with their
recall our beginnings. American counterparts in the Theatre
If there is a single person who can Historical Society USA.
be said to have started it all, that person Some members attend every
is Ian Hanson. He took an idea that had conclave of the US Society, others are
been bandied around and made it regulars at the annual Wide Screen
happen. As with many great ideas, a Festival held in Bradford, UK. In these
few people in NSW and Victoria were ways CATHS stays informed about
thinking along the same lines, but Ian developments in theatre restoration and
was instrumental in forming the heritage issues.
Australian Theatre Historical Society A review of the activities of the past
(ATHS, now ACTS) in Sydney in 1982. five years shows that meetings and
He became the first President, lectures, touring and research have been
supported by Vice -President Les Tod maintained. The Swap Meet in August
and Secretary Graeme McBain. is an annual institution, expertly
When Ian also became the first managed by Secretary Mike Trickett.
Editor of Kino, the ATHS’ magazine, Mike runs an electronics repair
the model for a cinema and theatre business and his hobby is projectors, so
appreciation society was now plain to no-one is more competent to run the
see. auction and spruik the merits of
After a few years, the growth in treasures on the sale block.
numbers in Victoria, and the State’s The dream of running a picture
rich theatre heritage, made the show in a cinema became a reality in
formation of CATHS-V inevitable. For our 15th year. The Astor East St Kilda
the record, the decision was taken at a was the venue for A Saturday Arvo
meeting of Victorian ATHS members Matinee with all the trimmings, which
on 23 October 1989, and the first packed the house.
official meeting was held at the One of the best recent tours was the
Carlton Movie House on 25 February visit to the South Island of NZ in
1990, ably steered by inaugural November 2005, when we joined with
President, the late Ken Tulloch and the Film Buffs at Christchurch before
Secretary Fred Page. This vigorous moving on to inspect their theatre
child grew into a sturdy adult. history. Needless to say, CATHS will
Bi-monthly meetings, theatre tours return in 2010, to explore the North
and the magazine CinemaRecord are the Island.
Centre: First President, the late Ken
external hallmarks of CATHS. Behind The Victorian and NSW Alps have
the scenes, the accumulation of also proved to be popular destinations.
Above: First home, the Carlton Movie
photographs, written records and The theatres of Bairnsdale, Merimbula,
memorabilia into an Archive worthy of Bega, Gundagai, and Yass, and a tour of