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WA legislation. By this time, an     The Astor reopened on 26 July      For much of this renaissance period
          outdoor picture garden (popular in the  1989 with Dead Poets Society, directed  the Astor was part of an alliance of
          warm Perth climate) had been built  by Australian Peter Weir and starring  other independent cinemas, no doubt
          alongside the cinema. At this time the  Robin Williams. The newly installed  benefiting from collective promotion
          Astor shared films with Inglewood's  lighting system provided a spectacular  and advertising. But in recent times, out
          Civic Theatre, just a mile or two  visual performance of its own. The  on its own, the theatre’s ads became so
          farther along Beaufort Street.    cinema, in its own way, had ‘seized the  small that older patrons needed a
            In the late 1980s the cinema    day’ and looked set for a famous future.  magnifying glass to read the session
          received new life when it was taken  The Astor did thrive for many years  times.
          over by Sydneysider Ron Regan. The  in its reincarnation as an arthouse-style  The cinema’s final commercial
          theatre was restored from top to bottom  cinema, although it usually had a  screenings were, perhaps prophetically,
          and given a bold exterior paint job with  mainstream movie on offer as well.  Dark Knight and Mamma Mia with Sex
          jade green and burgundy providing an  The new Astor was now a twin-screen  in the City for some added spice. A
          eye-catching contrast. The ornate  cinema, with the smaller theatre  special, free, farewell screening for the
          plasterwork and Art Deco lines re-  occupying an upstairs corner of the  faithful was held on 30 August with the
          emerged after many years of being  building that had formerly been the  curtains closing on The Rocky Horror
          obscured by faded mono-coloured   office of a private detective … whose  Picture Show.
          cream paintwork. Inside was a similar  name may or may not have been Sam  However, owner Bruno
          story. With great attention to detail, the  Spade.                   Zimmermann has not torn down the
          auditorium was restored with the     In its new Golden Age, the Astor  curtains or removed the Astor’s iconic
          internal plasterwork and strong Mayan  presented a well-chosen selection of  neon sign, which could be seen for
          Flower designs blooming again.    popular, artistic and classic movies. In  miles down Beaufort Street. He says
            I eagerly watched the progress of  particular, I remember enjoying the big-  he’s still in love with the place.
          the renovation work, thrilled that this  screen re-releases of Ben Hur and  Interviewed on the ABC Stateline
          fine theatre was not going to go the  Spartacus, witnessing up-close the  program the evening before the
          way of so many suburban cinemas -  chariot race and battle scenes.   cinema’s closure, he said: “We do not
          into a pile of rubble.                                               think it is the end of the Astor. I think
                                                                               we can still carry on.”

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