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Woodstock Hall was delighted that
Brendon Smith
Projectors: we wanted to get the
projectors going, but
By Wayne Hammond cautioned us that we
wouldn't be able to
Wayne and Dianne Hammond are part-
compete against the
time apiarists at Woodstock NSW, a
cinema in Cowra.
small town (population 250), north-east
He suggested that
of Cowra. Wayne has a background in
when the hall holds a
film preservation. A discovery, some
market on the
discussions and a sense of ‘can-do’
Sunday we should
have given their community a chance to
run a film on the
enrich district life.
previous Friday, to
When Woodstock resident Wallace get maximum use of
J. Devlin walked into the local hall to the hall over the
give electrician Bob Henderson a hand, weekend.
Bob said, “I want to show you Brendon said we
something”. Bob took Wallace into the should have an entry
locked and abandoned projection room, fee of about $5.00 to
which he didn't know existed. As soon $7.00. Wallace wants
as Wallace saw the projectors he our first show to be
wanted to have them running again. He free to get the
went to a meeting and became community to come
Secretary of the Woodstock Hall along to see what we
Association. have done. Hopefully
Wallace and Vic. Bower run the they will then attend
hall's monthly market, where Dianne our monthly
sells our honey. Vic was talking to screenings.
Dianne one day and mentioned how he Brendon The projectors are a matched set: C&W P5 Junior projection
and Wallace didn't know where to start suggested that we head, Raycophone 10-inch mirror arc lamp in a Hamilton and
on their idea. Dianne said that she (Wallace, Vic and I) Baker lamphouse. The closest, with slide attachment is
would give me a call in Sydney to see should go to ‘Flicks numbered 182, its partner 183. The sound head is possibly
if I could help them. in the Sticks’ at early RCA, or even Vocaltone. The pedestal is a home-made
Dianne rang me that afternoon. I Young - put on by copy of a Raycophone. The projectionist’s seat is from a
was also surprised to learn that there the FTO - to make Sunshine Harvester.
were projectors. Naturally, I wanted to contacts, and get
help to get them running again, despite information on what was involved in When the walls are fixed and
knowing nothing about their condition. showing films. (This was in 2006). painted and everything in order, George
I previously worked at the National One thing we learnt was that we Schneider will come up to Woodstock
Archives of Australia at Chester Hill, needed to have a projectionist to work on the projectors.
Sydney for 18 years. I now have a certificate to hire films. The way to get We also have someone interested in
maintenance contract with the Archives one was to attend a projectionist course restoring the sound system and record
which includes servicing equipment in at Metro Screen in Sydney. The course player. Then the screen will need some
the film preservation section. is about $1100.00, plus accommodation work or replacing. When all this is
I sought the advice of Mr. Alex in Sydney for a week, which adds up. done we can start showing films in
Olsen who was on secondment to the Since Wallace has an instructor’s 2008. ★
Archive from Film Australia. Alex gave certificate, when we raise the money
me the phone number of Mr. George we will send him to the course and he Additional photo identification (some
Schneider, a projectionist and can come back and train others. not included here) was by Ross King.
technician at Film Australia, Sydney. We have other people interested in
CinemaRecord will give updates on
I rang Mr. Schneider and told him helping to restore the projectors. the group’s progress.
what we wanted to do. George assured Wallace has arranged through
me that missing lenses were not an Centrelink for someone to work under
insurmountable problem. He said that our instructions. This should happen
he would be happy to come to this month (July 07). First job is to
Woodstock and work on the projectors clean up the whole projection area.
for us. George then gave me the phone
number of Mr. Brendon Smith of the
Film and Television Office (FTO) in