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            The Swanpool Cinema
            The Swanpool Cinema

                                    By  Alice Stratton

            Since the late 1980s the film      This classical thematic styling
          exhibition industry has faced     continues into the cinema itself. A
          competition from home entertainment  single screen venue, the entrance is
          technology, piracy and the decreasing  lined with an aged yet luxuriously thick
          window between a films cinema release  red velvet curtain that conjures up
          and its appearance as a DVD -     images of Marilyn Monroe’s infamous
          circumstances which resulted in a  photo shoot.
          reported 14 percent drop in Australian
          box office receipts in 2005.                                            The building itself was erected in
            Remarkably, the rural town of                                      the mid-1950s when it became the
          Swanpool 19km south of Benalla in                                    Swanpool Town Hall. Its very
          north-east Victoria, has managed to                                  construction highlights the deeply
          sustain its local cinema. A quaint                                   fraternal and community- centred
          building situated amongst paddocks,                                  inclinations of the local residents: built
          the cinema exists as an anomaly that                                 by voluntary labour with the materials
          has achieved a delicate co-dependent                                 used produced and milled locally. The
          relationship with its local community.                               building quickly became the area’s
            Upon first entering the foyer of the                               social epicentre, compensating for the
          Swanpool Cinema, one could easily be                                 lack of pubs, cafes and other social
          forgiven for thinking that the venue was                             amenities.
          a remarkably preserved time capsule                                     The idea of adapting the hall into a
          from the glory days of film exhibition.                              cinema came in the mid-1980s when
            This small room is painted in a                                    film enthusiast Kevin Smith, who had
          simple cream base, as to not clash with                              been involved in film societies,
          the vibrant deep red carpet, which is set                            accepted a work transfer from a
          with a pattern of rather theatrical                                  Melbourne branch of the State
          swirls. A modest chandelier, clearly                                 Electricity Commission.
          designed for aesthetics rather than  The seats are a common and         Kevin acquired a 1948 Cumming
          functionality, hangs from the ceiling.   acknowledged source of complaint.  and Wilson CP7 35mm projector after a
            Homage is paid to the stars of  Springs can be felt protruding from  metropolitan cinema closed, then stored
          classical Hollywood (the likes of a  many of the cushions in the most  it at his newly purchased country
          young Marlon Brando, Greta Garbo  inconvenient of places. A gentle   property. Soon he wanted to share his
          and Marilyn Monroe) through a series  warning of this hazard is posted on the  love for cinema with the local
          of black and white glamour portraits  cinema’s website: We are gradually  community.
          that decorate the back wall of the  rebuilding rows to improve the comfort  He approached the Town Hall
          traditionally styled ticket box.  level - our tip Pick your seat carefully,  Council with his proposal to screen
                                            some are much more comfortable than  films at the hall on weekends, keeping
            Below the ticket window rests a
                                            others!                            it free for community activities during
          rather ironic sign: Gentlemen must
          wear coats, collars and ties.        An authentic cinema organ is    the week. The council supported
          Considering that the cinema is located  directly in front of the screen’s elevated  Kevin’s vision, but had doubts that the
          in a small farming community, there is  stage.                       Swanpool population could financially
          a quietly shared understanding that  Surprisingly, most of these relics are  sustain a cinema.
          visitors are more likely to be wearing  decorative donations - not an authentic  The council’s lack of faith was
          flannelette shirts, and dirty Blunstones.     part of the cinema's own history. In  evident in the one stipulation they
            In the far right corner, a small glass  fact, the Swanpool Cinema is still a  placed on his access to the space: he
          cabinet displays a number of cinematic  teen. It recently celebrated its 15th  had to return the hall to its original
          treasures: old projector bulbs, cover art  Birthday.                 condition when he was ‘done’. Kevin
          from films released in the 50s and rolls  Shirley Swallow, one of the  chuckles at the memory of the
          of unused tickets (presumably from a  proprietors, smiles at the confusion  agreement. “They thought they’d
          similar era).                     regarding the cinema’s age. A gentle  humour my dream to ‘play cinema’-
            Despite the antiquity of some of the  and eloquent woman, she explains that  never expecting it to last more than six
          items and the buildings proximity to  she had wished to cultivate “a certain  months”.
          several dirt roads, an absence of dust  atmosphere of cinema days gone by”.
          demonstrates the amount of loving care
          involved in preserving these items.

          22  2008 CINEMARECORD
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