Page 29 - cr57
P. 29

Instructions to Projectionists

                                   MGM’s instructions to projectionists screening Ben Hur (CR56)
                                          prompted two readers to offer other examples.
          The Ten Commandments (1959)

                                            Intermission Music:                West Side Story (1961)
                                               A disc has been provided- for use
                                            during the intermission. It runs 4
                                            minutes 40 seconds. It should be played
                                            through the screen speaker with the
                                            silvers closed. It has been found that
            Les Tod supplied a folder of    people return from the lobby when the
          instructions from the office of Cecil B.  intermission music is heard. It is
          DeMille. The master showman is in fine  suggested that this music be started
          form. His covering letter to Managers and  approximately 3 minutes before the
          Projectionists ‘Your help in following the  time established for the start of Part II
          suggestions contained in this folder will  of the picture.
          ensure a standard of presentation worthy
                                            Exit Music:
          of the great subject of this motion
                                               A disc, running approximately 5    Eric White supplied the instructions
          picture’, is a request that every proud
                                            minutes 15 seconds, has been provided,  from producer/director Robert Wise.
          filmmaker would no doubt like to make.
                                            for use at the conclusion, and should be  Polite, detailed yet brief, the emphasis
            The recommendations (with                                          is on the Overture. Extract:
                                            run through the screen speaker, with
          illustrations) were mainly to do with
                                            silvers closed.                       A special design has been created
          sound presentation. They include:                                    for the beginning of the picture over
          Overture                                                             which the Overture is played.
                                                                                  It is of vital importance that the first
                                                                               4 1/2 minutes of this design be
                                                                               projected with the houselights lowered
                                                                               by only 25%. For proper presentation,
                                                                               please follow these directions:
                                                                               1.  From the start mark, the first 28 feet
                                                                                  of the reel is black. Over this, from
                                                                                  the surround horns only, comes the
                                               Scenes were composed for           sound of 3 separate whistles.
                                            projecting in an aspect ratio of 1.85-to-  The first whistle starts at 12 1/2
                                            1, hence the projection aperture plates  feet. At this point the curtains
                                            should be in the same ratio, filed with  should be opened slowly and the
            A disc running 1 minute 42
                                            allowance for keystone.               house lights lowered by 25%. Since
          seconds. It should be played through
                                               A Framing Index will appear briefly  the time required for opening
          the screen speaker, with silvers (the
                                            twice in the upper right corner of the  curtains varies from theatre to
          secondary curtains) closed. It is
                                            screen at the start of each 2,000-foot  theatre, it must be timed so that
          suggested that the Overture Disc be
                                            reel, to assist the Projectionist in framing  these operations are completed by
          started approximately 2-1/2 minutes
                                            the picture accurately. When the      the time the overture design fades in
          before the time established for the start
                                            horizontal line extending to the left is at  at 298 feet.
          of the picture. At the conclusion of the
                                            the top screen masking, the picture will  2. At 414 feet from the start mark, when
          Overture, the picture should begin as
                                            be properly framed for 1.85-to-1 ratio.   the red color dissolves to the blue, the
          soon as projectors can be started.
                                               The End Title carries a nine-word  house lights should be dimmed
          De Mille Introduction:
                                            message, and the silvers should not be  completely. This must be completed
            A special introduction has been  closed until this title has completely  by the time the title West Side Story
          photographed in color, in which Cecil  faded out, otherwise the title could not  starts to appear on the screen.
          B. DeMille speaks briefly to the  be easily read. After the silvers are  Both examples are reminders of the lost
          audience. The introduction runs 2  closed, wait 5 seconds before raising  art of creating a total cinema
          minutes 23 seconds.               the house lights.                  experience. ★
                                                                                       CINEMARECORD 2007 29
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