Page 18 - CinemaRecord Cover Section # 45
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His ill-fated Out Of The Shadows,
          was completed in this way during
          March 1931 but failed to find a buyer
          and was never publicly exhibited.
          Instead, he went on to make two crude
          optical sound films, The Spur Of The
          Moment and Isle Of Intrigue released in
          September 1931.
            The sound-on-disc Australian
          Sound Gazette existed only as a result
          of commercial desperation. The
          Movietone reel was generally
          associated with Hoyts' outlets in the
          various capital cities and was mostly
          unavailable or excessively expensive
          for Union Theatres. This association of
          Fox and Hoyts was cemented by Frank
          Thring (Snr), who as Hoyts’Australian
          Director had been filmed by Fox in
                                             Fox Australian Movietone News
          Hollywood in September 1929, a short
          filmed speech shown at the Melbourne
                                             Stanley S Crick.
          Regent a month later (refer Film
          Weekly 17 October 1929). In        Section Head, Newsreel Unit:
          September 1930, Thring sold his    Harry Guinness. After mid-1931 an American, Harry Lawrenson, became editor.
          interest in Hoyts to Fox Films in order  Camera:
          to set up his Efftee Film Studio in  Ray Vaughan (an Australian who spent nine months in training in USA). The
          Melbourne.                         following cameramen were added after mid-1930: Stan Pentreath, Billy Trerise.
            Union Theatres were forced to
                                             Sound Engineer:
          support competing Australian sound
                                             Paul Hance (an American).
          newsreels, even if they were of inferior
          quality to Movietone; like the slipshod,  Laboratory:
          Melbourne-based sound-on-disc effort.  Ray Vaughan / Claude Carter (Filmcraft Laboratories, Sydney).
          Eventually the situation was resolved  Associated Newspaper:
          by the establishment of the Sydney-  Sydney Sun.
          based Cinesound Newsreel using the
                                             Opening Trademark:
          excellent local Smith-Cross optical
                                             A pair of laughing kookaburras framed by two boomerangs.
          sound system, which was released into
                                             Filmed in Sydney by Vaughan and Hance sometime prior to November 1929
          all Union Theatres from November
                                             (refer Film Weekly, Sydney, 21 Nov. 1929: On Location with the Chatter
            Until about July 1930, when
          Sydney’s Standardtone entered the fray
                                                                               Volume One
          with another local optical sound  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS                    Where length in minutes and seconds is omitted,
          recorder, the Australian Movietone  I wish to thank Graham Shirley for his  the information is not known.
          Newsreel was the only talking picture  research assistance and Mike Trickett  1. (3 min. 49 sec.) Released 2 Nov. 1929: Arrival
          producer in constant production in  for enhancing the quality of some of the  of Movietone News van at Sydney aboard SS
          Australia. By correlating all known  images.                         Sierra: Mr Crick's speech at the docks. [8
          sources in newspapers, film industry                                 August 1929]
          magazines, incomplete surviving ‘dope                                Australia's New Prime Minister, J H Scullin.
          sheets’ and the odd surviving film, I’ve                             [Filmed c. 24 Oct. 1929].
          come up with the following                                           2. (6 min. 56 sec.) 9 Nov. 1929
          filmography of Fox-Movietone’s                                       The Melbourne Cup, 1929.
          earliest Australian sound films - the
                                                                               3. (3 min. 48 sec.) 16 Nov. 1929
          oldest Australian sound films. I should
                                                                               Here's To Good Taste: Wine experts, including
          emphasise that very few of these                                     Leo Buring, gather at Emu Plains.
          earliest reels are known to survive,                                 Try Drowning These: Ferryman's cats swimming
          perhaps 10 percent at the most. Please                               in Yarra River.
          contact the author on (03) 9890 8164 if                              Items filmed by Movietone in Sydney c. August-
          you happen to find any!  ★                                           October 1929, apparently not released locally, but
                                                                               according to Film Weekly (Sydney, 5 Nov. 1931
                                                                               p.3) this item was syndicated to the Canadian and
                                                                               International Editions of the Fox Movietone
                                                                               Sydney State Theatre Ballet Girls Rehearse In
                                                                               Neilsen Park.

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