Page 13 - CinemaRecord Cover Section # 45
P. 13
Brownie camera using Verichrome 127 “lets go” decision taken, it was our job Another treat was the New Year’s
film. The camera was my pride and joy to run ahead and to buy the tickets. Eve show. The lead-up to midnight,
for many years, until sadly it was We had an arrangement with our following the conclusion of the night
dropped and became unusable. parents that we could go on ahead into show, was the presentation of some
My next venture as a bit player in the theatre. Their (non-reserved) tickets locally produced animated sing- along
the hearts and minds of the theatre were left at the box office and in this songs, complete with the bouncing ball
management was to volunteer to be part way we could be seated and reserve across the top of the lyrics.
of a letter-box drop team, distributing two seats for them. This also gave us Thanks again Gary and Tim, for re-
Coming Attractions leaflets - Step into the chance to see the Friday night kindling some golden movie memories
Spring at Hoyts Ivanhoe. My parents Cartoon Carnival that started at around of Hoyts Ivanhoe. What a pity that
didn’t share my enthusiasm to become 7.20. The cartoons were all up on a David and Elaine Marriner weren’t on
a part of the theatre’s direct marketing single 2000 foot spool, usually a mix of the scene in the late 60's when they
team and under pressure I reluctantly Disney, Warner Bros. and Terrytoons. could quite possibly have saved our
returned my supply of leaflets to the Whenever the opening close-up of special Theatre, the focal centre of our
manager. Donald Duck, Pluto, or Mickey Mouse universe at that time. ★
would appear with it's blue, radiating
Let’s Go To The Pictures. Clyde Simpson is Senior Accounts
lines surrounding the character’s face,
The sequence of events which led Manager for The Southern Cross Talk
the theatre would erupt with cheers and
the family to the Ivanhoe on Friday Radio Network (3AW and Magic 693)
applause. The less popular black and
night was that during tea, one of my in Melbourne. His early inoculation to
white Merry Melodies or comedy
parents would ask, “I wonder what’s on cinema has lasted a lifetime. Clyde is a
shorts were used as fillers. Because we
at the pictures tonight?” This was the projector buff and has equipped two
always sat back stalls on the left, our
cue for my brother Malcolm to tell home cinemas to date.
parents knew where to find us in the
them about the title and stars, plus a
strong recommendation that it was a
show that we should not miss. With the
Sweets bar area, rear of main foyer pre 1939. Stairs lead to the balcony. Ivanhoe was an early stadium style. This space would be
the back stalls under the balcony in a conventional design. The sweets bar was replaced by a central staircase and a booking office.
Image: Clyde Simpson Collection.