Page 29 - RD_2015_12
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According to The Examiner of 24
          November 2003, the redevelopment
          would include a mezzanine floor art
          gallery, a café with indoor and outdoor
          eating a sunken floor and raised roof to
          allow the huon pine replica to be
          displayed fully rigged.

          Paragon Queenstown
            A sign on this theatre (above right)
          says ‘Re-opens 8 January 2005’.
          Alicia Hall, Beaconsfield
            Across the Tamar from Georgetown
          is the former gold mining town of
          Beaconsfield. The Grubb Shaft
          Museum demonstrates how foresight
          and hard work can re-develop a derelict
          building and build a community asset.
          Among many exhibits and stories of
          old Georgetown, the museum houses a
          display about which tells the story of  Robert (Bert) and his wife Winifred.  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
          the Alicia Hall/Beaconsfield Theatre.  Winnie bicycled around the district  Ross King thanks Sharon Verhulst,
            Alicia Hall (right) is believed to be  hanging posters for the movie that  Museum Development Officer, Grubb
          one of the first buildings in Tasmania to  week. Usually a dance was held after  Shaft Museum for assistance with
          show moving pictures. Built by Mr T.  the film. Belle carried on during the  information on Alicia Hall and CATHS
                                                                               member Ray Peck, Launceston for his
          H. Walduck, a local business man and  war years with the help of her brother  news and hospitality.
          completed in 1899, the hall was named  Reuben Olden.
          after his eldest daughter. It had a  In 1947 the Alicia Hall was
          balcony and two shops leased out on  purchased by Mr. J.H. (Jack) Bilson
          either side of the foyer.         and was renamed the Beaconsfield
            In the early years the hall served as  Picture Theatre. Jack and his wife
          a venue for live theatre and concerts. It  Anzac, ran the theatre successfully for
          continued to be used for charity and  almost 20 years. They employed ushers
          debutante balls until the 1970s. On  and projection staff. During this time a
          these occasions the downstairs seating  CinemaScope screen was installed and
          was removed.                      film festivals became part of the screen
            Annabelle (Belle) and Frank Cowie  fare.
          purchased the hall in 1911. Belle    The theatre was sold in the 1980s
          showed lantern slides and later, with the  and converted into an upholstery
          help of her husband, moving pictures.  factory. During this time an old cocoa
          Belle would sometimes supply the  tin was unearthed that contained
          background music, but when she was  original receipts from the builders of
          working in the ‘Projection Room’ Miss  the hall, written out to Mr Walduck.
          Vera Manion handled the musical side.  The Manion family became
            During a conscription rally in 1917  involved with the building a second
          there was a bomb scare at the theatre in  time when Mr Brendan Manion Jnr.
          which the local constable and Frank  bought it in the 1990s and turned it into  Photos by Ross King except for the
          Cowie were injured.               squash courts and a sauna. Now it is the  Paragon Queenstown, which is by
            Talkies were installed in the 1930s  St Vincent de Paul retail outlet, still  Fred Page.
          and Belle was assisted by her son  owned by Mr Manion. ★

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