Page 28 - RD_2015_12
P. 28

       Postcards from



           With eyes and ears for theatre   New Owners Wanted.                 Lyric Scottsdale
           buildings and news, Ross King       The former Wynyard theatre         In March 2003 Ross was in town
             cycled some of the island      (above) and the adjacent hotel are both  when the interior of the Lyric, (below)
                                            for sale. The theatre forms part of the  a 1920s pre-stressed concrete building,
           and Fred Page independently
                                            hotel establishment                was being stripped of its dress circle
                 used four wheels.
                                            Forum at St Helens                 and front veranda. At that time the
              Here is what they found.         Ellen France and Chris Lea have  person gutting the theatre said that it
                                                                               was to be turned into shops. Twelve
                                            opened the Forum cinema at St. Helens
          Stars Dim                         on Tasmania’s east coast. The Forum is  months later, I can say that not much
            ‘Expressions of Interest’ are invited  a 95-seat state of the art digital cinema  had changed. The main doors were a
          for the use of the Star Cinemas at  in the centre of town.           real estate display and the shops either
          Burnie and Devonport, formerly                                       side of the entrance were locked and
                                               It will screen four sessions a day,
          operated by Village as Cinema One.                                   barred. Sad to see that a town like
                                            seven days a week, as long as there is
            CMAX cinemas now operate at     the demand. Most of the seats are from  Scottsdale, which plays host to a lot of
          Devonport, while Burnie is served by  Scottsdale’s Lyric theatre. St. Helens’  tourists, hadn’t gained anything by the
          the METRO complex. Hopefully the art  residents had been without a cinema  destruction.
          deco façade of the Star Devonport  since 1964.
          (below) will be preserved.

          Launceston                        State Cinema, North Hobart         Georgetown Theatre
            The Princess is active with live   A recent upgrade to this           Mathew Flinders landed near what
          shows. A front display case shows  independent cinema includes a platter  would become Georgetown when he
          drawings of the original 19th century  in the projection room feeding into ever  discovered the Tamar estuary in 1798.
          façade. The exteriors of the former  reliable Centrex projector(s). Before the  Now there is a plan to link the old
          National (now a clothing store) and  platter was installed projection was still  theatre building (next page, top left)
          Majestic (a printing works) are well  reel changes between two machines.  with history by making it the home of a
          maintained.                                                          replica of Flinders sloop The Norfolk.

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