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Facts About The                    White, asked Eberson to prepare    moment selecting fifty musicians to
                                             drawings for the Capitol Sydney,
                                                                                form the State Orchestra (30) and the
          State                              based on Eberson’s Riviera in Omaha.  State Showband (20.)
                                             White supervised the construction of  On the stage you will meet the
            Everything about the State was   the Sydney theatre while his colleague  worlds greatest artists selected from
          big. No other theatre opening in   Charles Bohringer, (Bohringer Taylor  the 1500 stage stars of the Keith-
          Melbourne was preceded by seven    and Johnson), did the same in      Albee-Orpheum Circuit New York,
          weeks of daily newspaper columns   Melbourne. Much of the elaborate   together with the more famous
          extolling its wonders. Facts About The  interior plasterwork, including the  Australian players, supported by the
          State prepared the public for the  statuary for both the Capitol and the  State Corps de Ballet. Wonderful
          cinema experience of a lifetime.   State was sent from the U.S.A. The  Australian girls, chosen for their
          Readers were invited to write in for a  statues were cast by the Michelangelo  beauty and ability to interpret the
          free booklet that would expand on the  Studio Boston, a company controlled  dance, adding a deft touch of superb
          marvels of the new theatre.        by Eberson.                        showmanship to this wonderful
            The descriptions that follow are a  Seating. ‘The actual seats have  entertainment’.
          mix of original text and interpretation,  been created from the original chairs in  Entertainment Plus. ‘The theatre
          including comment from other sources.  the lounge of the Roxy theatre New  will open daily at 10.30 am, the
          At the time the column started, the  York. No discrimination will exist, all  entertainment running continuously. At
          theatre was far from finished.     patrons will receive exactly the same  10 30 our Attache Corps will conduct
            Forget the Past. “Think of the first  treatment. We claim that the seats in  patrons on a tour of inspection. These
          ‘motion picture theatres’, little stuffy  the State will excel in comfort any  young gentlemen, chosen for their
          darkened places of uncomfortable   seats in any theatre in the world’.   appearance and education will describe
          seats, often merely benches, plain   The State was never the 4,000 seat  the theatre’s many wonders and will be
          walls, with sometimes a few gaudy  whopper claimed, (a legend that dies  ready to answer any questions.
          decorations, and the noisy whirr of the  hard) but it was always the biggest.  Four sessions will prevail, the first
          machines at the back. But as unlike  Apparently opening with a capacity of  at 11.00 being the early shoppers
          even as an ordinary new motion     2050 seats in the stalls and 1372 in the  session. The afternoon or Matinee
          picture theatre is to the tin shed, so  balcony, a total of 3371, seating was  Deluxe session will take place at 2.15
          does the State stand alone, a pioneer in  increased in 1930 to 2043 and 1377 to  pm while at 5.00 a special session is
          the Australian entertainment field, a  make 3420. One patron complained  being set aside for the convenience of
          monument to beauty, a theatre of the  about conditions at a matinee in April  those remaining in town, and for
          finer arts, decoration, modern music  1929. ‘The place was crowded. People  distant residents. At 8.00 the Evening
          and screen presentation. To be in the  standing two deep in the aisles from  Deluxe session will take place. At
          State will be like lingering in a  the back of the theatre to the stage.  11.00 and 5.00 the musical
          beautiful Old World garden, bordered  The aisles are so narrow that two  accompaniment will be provided by
          by graceful walls of Florentine    people cannot stand abreast in them.’  the State Wurlitzer. The full
          architecture. Pieces of famous statuary,  In 1957 Film Weekly listed the  entertainment of Leon Rosebrook and
          real trees, hanging gardens and the  capacity as 3427.                the State Unit Orchestra and Frank
          charm of old Florence everywhere!    Comparative costs. Ben M. Hall   Lanterman at the console of the mighty
          Overhead the blue vault of summer  in The Best Remaining Seats points out  State Wurlitzer and the Stage Band,
          night skies, star-lit and perfect, with  that an ‘atmospheric’ cost about  will be offered in conjunction with the
          little gently moving clouds.…..there  one–fourth as much to build as the  pictorial entertainment at 2.15 and 8.00
          will be summer skies forever in the  standard marble, crystal and ormulu  o’clock’.
          State Theatre”.                    model. The plaster vault of the ceiling  Table Talk wrote of this approach,
            They Must Be Giants. Seven       was cheap in comparison to the cost of  ‘This mixed form of entertainment,
          hundred men (some reports say 800)  a classic dome with a chandelier. Of  though new, is evidently declared to be
          worked three shifts a day and later,  course publicity did not talk about this,  popular, for it received an enthusiastic
          24 hours a day, seven days a week for  it emphasised the ambience: ‘The sky  reception on Saturday night.’
          seven months, generating a weekly  dome allows of no central light, nor  Of National Significance is the
          wages bill of £4500. “However will  any huge chandelier, so that some  classification given the State/Forum
          they get ready?” is the question asked  beautiful old Florentine tones will steal  by the National Trust of Victoria. Their
          every minute by the passing crowd.  in through many places.’          1994 citation says of the exterior
          The cranes on site carried the words  Music and Dance. ‘Frank         ‘…the most exotic and ornate of all
          ‘Watch the Mighty State Grow,’ and it  Lanterman, wizard of the organ from  picture palaces in Australia (perhaps of
          did.                               the 4000 seat Metropolitan Theatre  any city building), an eclectic
            Design credits. Each of the      Los Angeles will take charge of the  combination of Moorish, Moghul and
          ‘atmospheric’ theatres opened by   £25,000 Wurlitzer. Mr Lanterman says  Alhambresque elements’.  ★
          Union Theatres were based on a     that it is the biggest ever sent out of
          designs supplied by John Eberson, the  America by the company.
          father of the concept. On a theatre tour  Leon Rosebrook, director of music
          of the U.S.A., Stuart Doyle, Managing  has been Orchestra Leader for Florenz
          Director of Union Theatres,        Ziegfeld, Earl Carroll and the
          accompanied by architect Henry     Shuberts. Mr. Rosebrook is at the

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