Page 4 - CinemaRecord Edition 3-2002 #37
P. 4
C A T H S Letters
ABN 37 195 378 179
Reg A0020747R
The aims of CATHS are: to record the
history of cinemas and theatres, and to
promote interest in theatre heritage and
architecture, and other related areas.
Frank Van Straten OAM Peter Smith
Elaine Marriner Philip Brady
President: Gerry Kennedy 5174 1870 ernie Halperin did a beautiful The Auditorium building must
Vice President: Peter Wolfenden 9744 2570 Bresearch job on The have been one of Melbourne's first
Secretary: Mike Trickett 5278 1986 Auditorium (Issue 38). The Chief skyscrapers.
Treasurer: Barrie Wraith 9435 9785 Projectionist there Albert Boss moved It towered over nearby buildings until
★ to The Capitol as CP in 1924 to open Kurrajong House was built on its
Archivist: Gerry Kennedy 5174 1870 the theatre and held that position until southern side. A building which
Central Victoria Co-ordinator: he died in about 1954. The second matched The Auditorium for height on
Fred Page 5444 0428 (Bendigo) projectionist at The Auditorium was the northern side has since been
Gippsland Co-ordinator: Albert Wright who was then appointed replaced. These two buildings were
Gerry Kennedy 5174 1870 (Traralgon)
Events Co-ordinator: CP to open the Palais Pictures St probably the maximum height allowed
Brian Miller 9557 7446 Kilda, a position he held until his at that time. There is a photo taken
Film Buffs Group: retirement in about 1966.These from the roof of The Capitol that
Mike Trickett 5278 1986 appointments suggest that The shows a painted sign on the
Publications Sales: Auditorium had high standards of Auditorium's southern wall Paramount
Garry Saunders 9812 7227
Membership Secretary: Peter O’Reilly presentation. Pictures Perfectly Presented. Demolish Don Kennedy, Port Melbourne Kurrajong House and that sign may still
CinemaRecord Editor: be legible.
Ian Smith Ian Williams, Balwyn. (A search is on for that picture. - Ed.)
CATHS website:
Postal address: Lumiere or Edison perforations.
PO Box 476, Bentleigh 3204. Lumiere had one circular perforation
per frame each side of the image
whereas Edison had four rectangular
perforations per frame.
Annual membership subscription is $35,
The conversion option was to make
and members receive four copies of
Lumiere films useable on other
CinemaRecord, notification of events,
projectors. By this time the Edison
and copies of the agenda and minutes
format was becoming the standard. New
of all meetings. There is no joining fee.
Overseas subscribers: Please contact projector manufacturers were appearing
CATHS Membership Secretary for rate. almost every week from 1897!
Meetings In an attempt to satisfy market
Meetings are held on the last Sunday of demand the Lumieres manufactured the
February, April, June, August, October & Triograph projector in 1897 designed
November. around Edison perforations. Known as
Archive the Lumiere Cinematographe Model B
The Archive is located in the Prahran it was not released for general sale until
Mechanics’ Institute, 140 High Street 1898.
Prahran, 9510 3393. The Archive will
So the projector used at Donald
be open between 9.30am and 1pm on
(and in other parts of country Victoria)
the Saturday before each meeting (see Lumiere and Edison. was probably not a Lumiere
above), and at other times by
Further to my letter in Issue No. 38 Cinematograph as the film material was
appointment with the archivist. of Edison origin.
Publications regarding the projectors used by
Back issues of CinemaRecord, other travelling showmen for Edison film, the Until I read about Fuerst’s
publications, CDs and videos are following may be of interest. catalogue, I was under the impression
available at meetings. Items are also By mid-1897 Fuerst Bros. in that Edison was the first film pirate!
available by mail. Please contact Garry England were offering by catalogue When the Edison Vitascope projector
Saunders on 9812 7227 for details. over 300 Lumiere films with either opened in New York (1896), Edison
supplemented his Kinetoscope films