Page 32 - CinemaRecord Edition 3-2002 #37
P. 32
The screen is 2400 mm wide and theatre after that establishment as it Where justice is done on dozens of reels
suits CinemaScope. The throw is about sticks in my memory as a genuine And Fred dances with Ginger (backwards
7 metres using a 1_-inch lens. Lifting ‘bughouse’, freezing in the winter, hot in in heels)
the screen reveals a 131cm Panasonic the summer and, when the rain beat Great stories of love,and war and the grit
As the mighty Wurlitzer rose from its pit.
rear-projection television. This down on the corrugated iron, the
completed my dream. Every night I sit soundtrack was almost inaudible. He rolls the old films and recalls the old
down with the remote and, by pressing Nevertheless, like Roger, I have fond days
a couple of buttons, the curtains open memories of going there. When he made the magic for kids
and I watch the evening news, whilst We utilise the services of my alter matinees
thinking that I am in a real picture ego, Mr Reg Jones, who acts as a locum And we lived it all with him, we all felt
theatre. It’s even more real when I projectionist and, in keeping with the spark,
For we dreamed the same dreams back
watch one of those J Arthur Rank films tradition, he not only rules the bio box, he then in the dark.
showing late at night on Channel 2. I also works in the ticket box and Ah – we dream our dreams alone now
enjoy the artwork on the old glass sometimes entertains the audience. Jan The good times are no more -
advertising slides which adds another doubles as lolly girl and all round slave For Mac & Shiny & Reg
dimension to my collector instinct and and I must say that, without her, the show Three old projectionists sat in the shade
gives me an excuse to wander around would not go on (this comment represents Surrounded by ghosts of the films they
antique markets and the like in the hope a minor part of the concessions previously had played
that I will find some more that don’t mentioned above). A good life, I reckon we all had it made
have a crack down the middle. I mean, The film that we have shown the Mac & Shiny & Reg
how much better can life get? most is Roger & Barbara Seccombe’s Running a home theatre can be a
Re-creating a theatre at home led Two Seats in the Circle. We have had marvellous social activity and also
me to join the Theatre Organ Society of some nice comments from many of our double as a stress reliever. At the end
Australia. My theatre was not complete guests, and some have even been of a hard day, there are others like
and with the help of a wonderful and moved to poetry. Here is one that myself who will run a reel or two
skilled fellow by the name of Paul encapsulates the magic of the era we try through the projector and sit in the
Myers (and others), we now have a to relive with our shows. It was written theatre on their own in view of the bio
fully automated organ and organist that by Mrs. Robin Mason and refers to our box. There is something poignant about
rise from beneath the stage to complete locum projectionist, Reg Jones, and also a man sitting alone in his theatre
the overall illusion. two projectionists in the aforementioned watching one of his favourite films. The
A DVD unit, amplifier and VCR are film, Mac & Shiny. Buddhists believe that humans have
located in the theatre but I can operate three basic needs;- someone to love,
The Old Movie Men
them from the bio box by using an RF something to do and something to look
Three old projectionists sat in the shade
Remote Control Extender. Because of forward to. The latter two are satisfied
Chewing the fat, reliving their trade
the present exchange rate, it has if you have a home theatre and the first
All those old memories don’t just fade -
become prohibitive to purchase 16mm Mac & Shiny & Reg one, in my case, is already a reality
films from overseas and, even when (there goes another one of the
Shiny recalls the times that he spent
they are purchased here, the quality is aforementioned concessions). Although
Running the reels from the back of a tent,
never anywhere near that of a DVD. I must say that Jan has been very
palace or bughouse
And you don’t have to change reels! supportive, as CATHS-V wives are, I
What glamour it lent -
I named the theatre the Prince Mac & Shiny & Reg think most adopt the view that, “Well,
George Theatre in memory of the at least I know where he is”.
Mac ended up with a house of his own
original Prince George located in I still like to run both DVD and
With family to run it when children had
Church Street, Middle Brighton that I film. There is nothing quite like sitting
attended in my youth. I also frequented in the bio box with an expectant
All over Melbourne Macs’palace was
the Camden in Hawthorn Road, known - audience on the other side of the
Caulfield and the Mayfair in Mac & Shiny & Reg. porthole, then turning the switch on the
Gardenvale. On one occasion we were old B&H and hearing it chug into life
Reg followed his passion through good
pleased to host fellow CATHS-V as the image bursts upon the screen.
years and lean
members Peter White and Ian McLeod Thus begins a marvellous illusion
When Brynner was King and Taylor was
and their wives Sally and Anne. Peter Queen created by continuity of vision, which
was assistant projectionist at the Prince ‘Til that fateful day when TV hit the scene always causes my heart to temporarily
George from 1957 until it closed in Mac & Shiny & Reg flutter. And may this ever be so. ★
early 1960. He is adamant that his
Now Reg phoenix-like has crawled out of
involvement had no connection with the
the ashes
closure! Ian helped out on and off in the
Of the movie house pyre
bio box when he wasn’t required at the And now he dashes
nearby Dendy Theatre. from venue to venue
In Cinema Record No.22 (November His trade to maintain
1998), Roger Seccombe described the Where the hero still
old Prince George as dingy, dark and wins
rather decrepit. I’ll go along with that, And the villain is slain
and add that I perversely named my little