Page 29 - CinemaRecord Edition 3-2002 #37
P. 29
today. STS always managed to obtain I can't remember what protocol After the show another decision to
good seats at all theatres and would said about whether it was the man or be made: Do you take your date to
either post them to you, or if time was the girl who was to follow the usher one of the few coffee lounges at the
the issue, leave them at the theatre down the aisle and who had to be first top of Collins Street, or say “let’s
booking office to be picked up on the to step into the row, but I remember it slum it” and grab a hamburger at one
night. This was a terrific service for was important at the time. of the city stands before catching
me as it cut out the time involved in transport to her place? Again, finance
travelling to the city, buying tickets came into it.
and returning. It gave me good seats Mostly it was supper in Collins
usually at very short notice. Of course Street with a selection of Welsh
there was a fee for this service. rarebit, crumpets and honey cinnamon
When out with a girl on Saturday toast or toasted ham sandwiches with
night it was the done thing to wear a brewed coffee. The range of foodstuffs
suit or smart sports/reefer jacket with a available in those days was very
collar and tie coupled with ripple sole unimaginative and lighting and
shoes. We treated the night as 'an After removing your aching arm atmosphere about the same. Sitting
event', no matter if it was the movies or from around the neck of your date opposite a girl on hard seats in bright
live theatre. The movie theatres before the lights went up at interval, light was not the most romantic
colluded in making it special; the next big decision had to be made. atmosphere one could ask for. As in
commissionaires for crowd control, Was she worth going the whole hog most cases your date had to be home
ushers in uniform showing people to and buying her an ice cream and a box before that 'respectable' hour of 12
their seats and the certain knowledge of Newmans Chocolates or Scorched midnight, fifteen minutes was the
that it would be a complete night of Almonds (which I considered maximum time allowed for this finish
entertainment – newsreels, cartoons overpriced), or could I get away with to the night's entertainment.
previews and generally two films. The an ice cream and a packet
prestige cinemas had live music from a of Jaffas? If I could spare
mighty organ and/or a large show band. the money at the time I
My favourite destination was the State usually asked my date
Theatre which featured Stan Bourne what she wanted and went
and his Orchestra (14 musicians) who ahead with her choice.
appeared in a spectacle of sound and Most times only an ice
light rising from the floor during cream was requested. If I
interval. This was showmanship, was short of cash I
something special, unlike today’s wouldn't ask and would
routine of find your own seats, half an bring back something modest. This The city was a safe place to walk
hour of commercials (at double sound choice wasn't easy due to a consistent through in those days, even at night, so
volume) and after a couple of previews practice amongst the theatres of only one had little concern about walking
straight into the main feature. No stocking higher priced items or your date down Collins Street then up
magic or presentation at all. (Not even outrageously marking them up (one to Flinders Street to grab a cab.
the ‘Man Outside Hoyts’!) policy which hasn’t changed.) No sooner was the young lady
I remember occasions of rushing delivered safely home than I was
down the street looking for the nearest heading back to the city waiting for
milk bar that sold sweets for the my next tram, pondering over the
budget conscious. evening's events and deciding what to
On one occasion I returned after do on the following Saturday night.
interval and blandly stated that boxes The logistics were awkward for a
of chocolates were sold out. This did single bloke without a car but it was
make me feel rather guilty, also wonderful, and we tried to do it
particularly when on leaving the in style. ★
theatre boxes of chocolates could be
seen lining the walls of the sweet bar.
Charlie Fredricksen
‘The Man Outside Hoyts’ in 1965.
Photo courtesy of The Performing
Arts Museum