Page 21 - CinemaRecord Edition 3-2002 #37
P. 21

wrong. There had to be some music  And nobody knew that this was      think the Burnley was the first theatre
          because the films were still silent.  unintentional. Because the first half  in Australia to sack the orchestra and
             Monty Blandford (later a radio  was shorts the audience thought we  put in canned music. This was late in
          announcer on 3DB) was the manager.  had saved the music for the feature.  1928, and it went over big.
          He scouted around and got hold of  We got the show through that night    Union Theatres took over the lease
          Strauss waltz records for the opening  with one turn table. There was a bit of  of the Athenaeum and they put in
          night of The Waltz Dream. The plant  a break when we changed records, but  Vitaphone sound on disc. Chief
          in there was pretty good for the times.  it was passable.             Engineer for Union Theatres Bert
          There were a couple of 'Crypto 5'     The next day I looked at the    Emmerline came to see me. He had
          AC/DC converters to charge banks of  amplifier. I didn't know much about  listened to our music and had a
          batteries to run the arcs. There was a  them, but I had doubts about the  proposition for me - leave Burnley and
          Universal 230 volt generator. We   condensers on the smoother of the  take charge of 'talkies' at the
          could swing it across to have the  thing. There was a cleaner at the  Athenaeum. So in 1929 I went to the
          theatre on direct current or swing it  theatre, I never knew such an ignorant  Athenaeum. The first show was The
          the other way to be alternating current.  old bloke in all my life. He didn't  Jazz Singer. There wasn't much
             On the afternoon of opening night  know anything about anything really.  talking in it, but there was a lot of
          the pianist was playing            He came poking about and said, "You  publicity. They drove all round town
          records on this machine to                                                      with lorry loads of
          get used to it. When she                                                        advertising bills, ‘Talkies
          went away she didn't                                                            at the Athenaeum. The
          switch it off, the amplifier                                                    show ran for eighteen
          was still running.  A bit                                                       weeks.
          later I started up the                                                             I shifted to the State
          generator and swung it                                                          theatre to set it up for
          over. Bang! The orchestra                                                       sound. I supervised the
          pit fuse had blown. Well                                                        installation of the sound
          of course it did because I                                                       equipment for Union
          was feeding DC into the                                                          Theatres, the work was
          amplifier! I didn't take                                                          done by Western
          much notice at the                                                                  Electric. We had all
          time, just swung it                                                                  the plant put in
          back and repaired                                                                    except for the
          the fuse so the                                                                       projectors.
          orchestra pit lights                                                                  Massive great big
          were all right. I                                                                     thing it was too,
          went home.                                                                            the amplifier was
             When I came                                                                        very nearly as big
          back that night to                                                                    as a door.
          play the music for                                                                       They showed
          the opening there                                                                    silent movies at
          was none. The                                                                        the State for about
          dashed amplifier had                                                                three months. When
          blown up. The                                                                      talkies started, that
          musicians who had                                                                big amplifier was taken
          been sacked had paid to                                                         out and they stuck up a
          come and sit in the lounge                                                     single rack, but it was still
          to listen to the music and there                                            pretty big.
          was none! I had my amplifier out                                             It was all Western Electric
          the back, I had been fooling about                                     plant. They told us, "With our plant
          with it for a while and I had it just                                 it's all matched, you can take a bit
          about ready to go. I said to Jim Green                                from this part of the world and add a
          my assistant, "Jim, you'll have to run  know what I think. I reckon the  bit from that part of the world, or
          this show tonight all by your self, I've  trouble's in one of them there tins."  anywhere else you like, put it all
          got to go down and see what I can do  Them there tins were the condensers.  together and it will work." One night
          about the music."                     I started to disconnect them one  one of the amplifiers blew out at the
             The pianist accompanied the first  after the other and finally I came to  Athenaeum. Western Electric came
          half of the show. By interval I had  the crook one. After I disconnected it  down. They didn't waste any time in
          managed to get the old amplifier   we got music. It was pretty bad    rushing over to the State. They hooked
          working on one of the turn tables. We  because there was no smoother. I  out an amplifier, carted it over,
          played the introductory record for The  dashed across the road to a wireless  dumped it on the floor and clamped on
          Waltz Dream and it was not bad, not  shop and bought a new condenser, put  jumper leads. And away it went, you
          bad at all. It wasn't as good as the  it in and it was as good as gold. That  wouldn't have known the difference,
          other equipment, but it was all right.  night we had some really top music. I  by joves that was good stuff.

                                                                                       CINEMARECORD 2002 21
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