Page 16 - CinemaRecord Edition 3-2002 #37
P. 16
By Bernie Halperin
Studios jossling for the best outlets DECLARATION
for their films began to look favourably
I Alec Lorimore, private citizen,
on the under-utilised Auditorium in City of Melbourne, State of
Collins Street. Bernie Halperin Victoria do now solemnly and
sincerely declare that - Whilst….
unravels some of the twists and turns of
”Don’t Change Your Husband”
company thinking at the time. thunders its message world wide,
In its early years the Auditorium scattering convention to the four
winds, yet does it not, in the
Concert Hall fulfilled the slightest degree, offend the
expectations of its founders and susceptibility, appeal to the
managers the Tait Brothers who saw it sensational, nor for an instant
trespass on the sanctity of
as the premier venue for visiting domestic life.
artists (at 2500 seats it held more Indeed, its mission, as the title
people than the Melbourne Town implies is to preserve the sanctity
of the home rather than to
Hall). Gradually though, Australia’s
violate it….
isolation, small population and then Its story is just as likely to be
the disruption of the Great War made that of any Melbourne home
it harder to attract the overseas talent today. Its object is to, by the
vividness of illustration, to
needed to fill such a space. encourage a spirit of tolerance
The Taits decided to return to the and understanding between man
and wife, rather than by that
Melbourne Town Hall for their
same vividness merely to publicly
concert programs. The Auditorium, tell how the neglect of a husband
now renovated for stage recitals and resulted in a crisis that shook the
foundations of a home until the
films, was leased in 1919 by Alex
whole structure fell in ruins
Lorimer, the head of Lasky/Famous about the head of the husband.
Player/Paramount in Australia, who And I make this solemn
made the theatre the company’s first Declaration, conscientiously
believing the same to be true,
release house. and believe that “Don’t Change
At this time Paramount Pictures your Husband” will be the
means of making many a
was the top studio producing over 100
husband and wife pause and
films each year, an output more than consider when they may be
sufficient to maintain an exclusive taking that first step on the cross
release policy at one theatre.
Finally do I acknowledge, with
Apparently Paramount was not grateful pride, the power of the
satisfied with their earlier agreements silent screen that upholds all that
is best in home life, pointing the
negotiated for Melbourne. Perhaps the
finger and illuminating the
buildings they had chosen no longer sacred ordination that those
matched their top dog status. For whom God hath joined together
no man is to put asunder.
example the opening of the
(Signed) Alex Lorimore
Paramount Theatre in Bourke Street
Signature witnessed in the office
in 1915 by J. C. Williamson Films had of the Auditorium Melbourne …
included the announcement that it by Stanley N. Wright
would be the home for Paramount Manager, Auditorium
Pictures. One year later Paramount
moved its product across the road to A photo of Alec Lorimore (not shown here) and this fruity declaration down the
side of the ad. was an interesting attempt to vouch for moral tone.