Page 14 - CR31R.pdf
P. 14
Theatre concerns an alleged association of revered architect
Walter Burley Griffin. Numerous press reports and perpetuat-
ed hearsay evidence inform of an adornment performed at the
Westgarth Theatre during the early to mid 1930s by Griffin.
An examination of three indices of the works of Walter Burley
Griffin and a consultation with the RMIT Department of
Architecture could not substantiate this claim. Mr John
Baggott, son of early post World War 2 Manager, Jack
Baggott, advised that this argument had arisen many years ago
and his father was most adamant that Griffin had no involve-
ment whatsoever with the Westgarth Theatre. Former employ-
ee of the 1920s, Mr Jack Nicholls, reiterated this view.
Certainly the geometric detail of the foyer decorations do
bear a powerful resemblance to Griffin’s style. However,
Griffin departed Melbourne in 1924 to live at Castlecrag. It is
Above: Doors to balcony from dress circle foyer.
Right: Dress circle foyer. Photos: Adrian Maiolla.
weakness I fell to these persuasions.” A $5 fine was the out-
come. Perhaps the Westgarth had already reached its apogee,
so early in such a long life.
The 1920s ended with a surge of innovative flair and ambi-
tion as a direct corollary of the arrival of films with sound,
‘talkies’. This encouraged the first significant remodelling of
the Westgarth Picture Theatre. On 29 July 1929, approval was
received for the installation of french polished Tasmanian Oak
vestibule doors by the Northcote company H Stevens & Son
Pty Ltd. For several weeks workmen were engaged in making
extensive alterations and an elaborate scheme of decoration
was introduced. According to the Northcote Leader, the hand- possible that a protégé of Griffin’s may have designed the
some Westgarth Theatre could now compare “more than Westgarth Theatre foyer in Griffin’s style, perhaps with the
favourably” with the interior of city houses of entertainment. 1924 Melbourne Capitol Theatre as inspiration. Eric Milton
Contemporary Westgarth Theatre audiences can admire a Nicholls entered into a partnership agreement with Griffin in
very attractive plaster overhead design before the proscenium. 1923 and remained his closest associate until Griffin’s death in
It can be confirmed that this was not part of the original ceil- 1937. Nicholls remained in Melbourne in charge of the part-
ing design as there is an ornamental ceiling above it. It is most nership’s office after Griffin’s departure to Sydney.
likely that the decorative overhead was implemented as part of Nicholls worked on various projects around Melbourne in
the artistic adornment of the theatre to welcome the arrival of the late 1920s including the Barracchi house project at
sound in 1929. Fairfield, near Westgarth, in 1927. Nicholls’ house designs
Due to the absence of building documents and pho- were barely distinguishable from Griffin’s. A number of house
tographs, there are a number of unresolved issues concerning projects and the Methodist Sunday School at Kew and its fur-
the 1929 refurbishment of the theatre. The first of these con- niture were entirely his own work although often erroneously
cerns the relocation of the projection box. A new cabin, 20ft ascribed to Griffin.
long and 7ft 6 inches wide, was established at the rear of the Without building records one can only speculate. However,
dress circle. The National Trust file concerning the Westgarth it would appear not beyond the realms of possibility that Eric
Theatre and the report Cinemas of Melbourne Nicholls, not Walter Burley Griffin, may
1896-1942 confirm that this occurred in 1929 Stalls entry. Photo: A Maiolla. have been the architect responsible for the
to coincide with the introduction of sound. 1929 Westgarth Theatre remodelling. Eric
However, it is interesting to note that a 1932 Nicholls was one of the names offered by Mr
building plan of the theatre shows the bio E F Billson when queried on this point. Mr
cabin at the rear of the stalls. A 1938 building Billson was able to confirm that his father,
plan does not reveal the bio cabin at stalls Mr Edward Fielder Billson Snr, was not
level. Probably the 1932 building plan depicts involved with the Westgarth Theatre project.
the enclosure at the rear of the stalls in which Mr Billson Jnr did name other possible
the projectors were formerly housed. proponents including, but not limited to, Roy
However, if it could be substantiated that pro- Alston Lippincott and James Frederick
jectors were still operating at stalls level in Ballantyne, both of whom worked in
1932, then it would be most likely that the Griffin’s Melbourne office. However,
projectors were finally relocated to the rear of Lippincott departed Griffin’s office in 1921
the dress circle when the circle was remod- and moved to New Zealand where he
elled in 1934/5. remained until 1939. Ballantyne was
The second contentious matter relevant to Griffin’s first articled pupil. He became an
the 1929 refurbishment of the Westgarth architect and builder. Ballantyne and Leslie
14 Autumn 2001 CINEMARECORD