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dow, while each uppermost win-
dow is surmounted by an arched
hood-mould. Similar to the near-
by Northcote Theatre, the theatre
name is presented in raised letter-
ing on a smooth, rendered frieze.
Above this, a denticulated cor-
nice separates the main horizon-
tal section of the facade from a
decorative parapet. The parapet
contains a segmental arched cen-
tre which displays a large shield-
like medallion. Today this medal-
lion is largely obscured by an
added vertical sign. Alongside
the parapet arch, the side sections
continue the balustrade theme
depicted by the balconettes.
Two shops bordered the
38ft wide Westgarth Theatre
entrance. Jack Nicholls remem-
bers the north-end shop as a
sweet shop and the south-end
shop as a ladies clothing store. Looking towards the screen from the upstairs entrance to the auditorium.
The original door was in the Photo: Adrian Maiolla.
nature of a folding gate. The
vestibule consisted of a tiled mosaic floor, no fewer than 38 trical failure. Two large electrical fans were on site to augment
lights, an ornamental ceiling, a soda fountain, a ticket box and ventilation when required.
a broad central stairway in marble mosaic. Seating consisted of comfortably padded, automatic lifting
The Westgarth auditorium was illuminated by 15 x 300 seats and a handsomely furnished lounge. The building regis-
candle power veiled lanterns in the ceiling and from port holes tration application denotes 921 stall seats and 523 circle seats.
in the walls, through blue coverings from which patrons could Westgarth was designed with a sloping floor. Two simplex
imagine they were looking out to sea. The effect of the audi- biographe machines were located at the rear of the stalls to
torium was said to be suggestive of the temples of the Orient. project films upon a pure white wall at the back of the stage
The ornate, vaulted ceiling and other decorative works were beneath an ornate, plaster proscenium.
contributed by a Mr Strickland and the intriguingly titled
Plastic Art Company. Johnston and McMullan of Thornbury A Gala Opening
were responsible for the electrical work. A petrol-driven ‘uni- Following some delays due to labour problems, and amidst
versal set’ was installed to provide light in the event of elec- bubbling anticipation, the Westgarth Picture Theatre com-
menced screening on Thursday 20
October 1921. The opening night
program included Mother Heart
starring Shirley Mason and the main
feature, Ann of Green Gables, in
which the lead was played by Mary
Miles Minter.
The evening was described by
the Northcote Leader as “a com-
pletely successful official opening.”
The Westgarth Theatre, it contend-
ed, “seemed to give new importance
to the neighbourhood.” A full house
witnessed the official opening cere-
mony during which Mr Sam Dennis
declared the theatre open. Builder,
Mr John Seccull was enthusiastical-
ly applauded by the audience, and a
The second bio box at the rear of
the dress circle. The projectors
were originally located at the
back of the stalls.
Photo: Kevin Adams.
12 Autumn 2001 CINEMARECORD