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Kinema Theatre c. 1940
main shopping Street of Albert Park. The new cinema was arrived and one of the finest architectural firms specialis-
called the Kinema, after its Sydney namesake, and was ing in this field was H. Vivian Taylor and Soilleux.
opened in 1920. (5) The design of the original facade fol-
lows closely that of the Hoyts De-Luxe in Bourke Street, This finn had undertaken a study of modern cinema de-
designed by William Pitt. It was considerably larger and sign in Britain and some architectural features were in-
more spacious than the old Dux. The Kinema contained a cluded in the design of new cinemas for Hoyts. The most
fully plastered interior, large orchestra pit, stage with screen obvious clone appears to have been the auditorium of the
painted on the back wall and a dress circle with a large Padua theatre at Bnmswick. The interior of the Padua was
lounge foyer. The seating arrangements were stalls I, 165 almost an exact replica of the Odeon at Panton Hill, Lon-
and dress circle 465 (6). The Kinema was considered luxu- don. H. Vivian Taylor and Soilleux were later contracted
rious for those days, but the Dux remained open through- by Hoyts to design tJ1e last of Albert Park's theatres in
out the 1920's still under Hoyts direction. 1938.
The introduction of talking pictures created a cost burden The new Hoyts theatre was to be known as the "Park", and
for all exhibitors and it was also found that some theatres it was built at the comer of Montague Street and Dundas
had troublesome acoustics. This was to result in the Dux place, a short distance from the "Kinema". It was decided
being closed completely by 1930, (its open-air namesake that the Kinema property be sold off as soon as possible,
having been closed years before) Leaving the Kinema as thus leaving the "Park" as the only cinema in the suburb.
the only cinema in the area. As in the case of other new cinemas being built by Hoyts
in Melbourne at this period, T.R. & L. Cockram were given
The 1930's were to see great improvements in sound and the building contract. The total cost came to 50,000 pounds.
picture quality. It also saw tJ1e emergence of radical archi- ($1 00,000) (7). H. Vi vi an Taylor and Soilleux were also
tectural influences. Gone was the old ornate plaster friezes, commissioned to submit designs for a new "Rivoli" thea-
containing embossed cherubs with florid decoration so u·e at Camberwell for Robert McLeish of Junction Thea-
commonly used in theatres for decades. In its place came u·es. "The Rivoli" was opened in 1940 and embodied many
the new "Modeme" style with its rectangular shapes and features (on a much grander scale) that could be found at
curvaceous walls. The so called "AJt Deco" style had the "Park" .