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Embassy Theatre Facade 1959 (later Manly's second Odeoo Theatre), Demolished in 1985.
(Photo 1959- Ian Hanson Collection)
Facing Manly Cove, directly opposite the Ferry tenninal The decoration ofthe original proscenium was in a Span-
and the tram terminus, the Embassy has a stately Spanish ish motif contained in a pelmet which carried across the
exterior and the Spanish theme is carried through to the arch.
In its early years a small orchestra pit was located in front
The foyer is most unusual in architectural terms being of the stage apron. The Embassy became famous from 1956
treated witb Spanish scumbling mediums and decoration. as a rock and roll venue featuring the late Jobnny O'Keefe
A focal point is in the Dress Circle foyer, where a well{ or and his band.
in more correct tem1s a volume hole) is located . At this
point an interesting view of the Stalls foyer and entrance Lighting in the auditorium was by means of Spanish style
is obtained. "Building" mentions in its review of this thea- wall brackets and the ceiling contained small opalene lights
tre the very awkward entrance into tbe Dress Circle. This suspended from a chain. From early photographs it ap-
required very fit patrons to climb several flights of stairs pears that some of these were not the original.
to reach thjs portion of the cinema .. The stairs brought
you to the very back row of the Circle, which was the high- During W.W.2 the major cinema chains were circling
est point of the theatre. A subsequent improvement many Manly like the proverbial sharks wanting to bite off a piece
years later saw a more traditional access cut through the of the lucrative box office. About 1944, the Greater Union
middle of the Circle. Theatre chain had entered into a film booking arrange-
ment with the Smythe family. (8) Finally, in 1948, through
The auditorium had colonnades down the side of the Stalls their company Acme Theatres, Greater Union purchased
which led to the exits. The stage contained a fly tower the Embassy along with the freehold of the Rialto in The
with several fly lines which were used for the occasional Corso. The post war years were to see interest from the
live performances. Sets of large back stage doors opened other chains such as Hoyts and M.G.M. Theatres, the lat-
onto a back lane to allow movement of any props. The ter having plans in place to establish its own suburban
proscenium was originally some 40 feet wide (l2.2m). circuit in key locations.
Either side of tlus was located the splay walls which con-
tained false wiJ1dows. The original plans for this theatre In addition to the sale to Acme theatres, the other two
contained drawings for large chandeliers that indicated theatres under the control of the Smythe's those being the
that this was the intended form of lighting. Arcadia theatre on the ocean beach side of Manly and the
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