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A Future Movie Mogul- Brendan Hawking by Gerry Kennedy
Arrangements were made with two film exchanges to sup-
ply films. The projection and sound equipment was hired
from Wynor Projection Services Pty. Ltd. The hall was
initially equipped with two Tokiwa portable 35mm pro-
jectors and a mono sound system is used. Brendan was
taught how to use the projectors and the general opera-
tions required in the projection booth. He also, with guid-
ance, books the programs. The Tokiwa projectors proved
to be unsuitable for the hall have since been replaced with
a Bauer machine utilising a tower for film transport. This
installation has improved both the sight and sound qual-
ity at the haJl.
With assistance from his parents, April and Geoff Hawk-
ing, members of the Leo's Club, and under the supervi-
sion of the Rush worth Lions Club the Rush worth Cinema
opened on 7 January 2000 with "Tarzan" screening at a
Matinee, and 6th Sense screening in the evening. About
ISO patrons supported the two screenings. The weekly
screenings have continued to prove popular with "Toy Story
2" drawing the largest audiences.
Brendan Hawking most likely inherited his interest in films
(and projection) from his maternal grandfather, Harold As Brendan has commenced his two year VCE course at
Lloyd (known as Jim). Jim Lloyd, who with his wife Lor- the local Rushworth P-1 2 College, studies must take pri-
raine, ran the Lloyds Electrical Store. Jim also worked as ori ty and so he has decided to screen two sessions weekly
a projectionist at the Rushworth Shire Hall and around during school vacations and fortnightly during the school
the circuit, headquartered at Rushworth. Regular film ex- terms.
hibition ceased in Rushworth in 1966 (according to the "The Rushwortb Lions Club thought the project so worth-
last exhibitor, Jim Walshe) At the incredibly young age of while it nominated Brendan for the Campaspe Shire'sAus-
16 Brendan Hawking has brought commercial film screen- tral ia Day Youth of the Year award. He won. We just think
ings back to the Rushworth Shire. Rushworth, being a small he is an outstanding young man, and his service to the
town of 1 000, provided few opportunities for youth enter- community should be recognised", said Lions Club presi-
tainment. dent, Mr. Bill Tate. (2)
Brendan, is a community minded person and Vice Presi- The Australia Day Award also recognised Ills services to
dent of the Rushw01th Leo's Club (the junior Lions Club), the community in driving the Rushworth Steam and Trac-
and wanted something to relieve the boredom of the local tion engine. He is also a member of the Rushworth Fire
teenagers. He raised the issue at school and found there Brigade. His sporting interests include badminton, cricket,
was interest in running films again. The Leo's Club sup- fishing and shooting.
ported the idea and the matter was taken to the Lions Club.
The Lions asked Brendan to progress the idea and develop Postscript: Unfortunately, due to the costs of operating
a plan to achieve the reopening of the Shire Hall for film the cinema not being covered by the patronage, the Leo
screenings. club took the decision to cease screenings from the 20th of
October. 2000. Last movie was "Big Momma's House"
With the help of local independent cinema people such as
Steven McDonald (McDonald Programming) and Irene Positive outcomes: Brendan Hawking indicates that al-
Pagram (Paramount - Echuca) the Rushworth Shire Hall though "it's a great disappointment to see the movies end-
was inspected and deemed suitable. The local Shire Hall ing,·• the Leos appreciate the valuable contributions the
conunittee was approached for permission. and after some screenings have made. These include:
initial doubts, they gave their approval. • Providing entertainment for local residents.
• Training in business practices for the Leos.
The next hurdle to overcome was the requirement to raise • Learning valuable projectionist skills.
some $3000 to hire projection and sound equipment, pay • The satisfaction of bringing a dream to fruition.
for the hall, purchase "candy bar" stocks, and to fund the
bonds required by the film exchanges. A widely publi- Ackuowledgemeuts:
cised community auction of donated goods and raffles were I. Brendan Hawking: Interviews Feb. & March 2000
held to raise funds. The Rushworth Historical Society also 2. The Age Newspaper- undated article in Feb. 2000.
donated $250. 3. Photograph Courtesy of the Hawking Family
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