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Ground Floor First Floor Showing Dress Circle Foyer
The new theatre was to screen important releases that were and later MGM. The films were generally in the block-
capable of long runs. lan Williams returned as the man- buster category and many were 70 millimetre prints. It
ager a couple of months before the opening and instituted was due to the quality of the films shown, that some pres-
booking procedures that allow tickets to be purchased up tige was brought back to the theatre. The theatre was op-
to a month in advance. erated under an independent management which was a
three way partnership of Alexander Sharp, Richard Silman
December the 18th, I 965, saw the new 'Capitol' reopened. and Bruce Selleck.
The main guests arrived in a cavalcade of Rolls Royce
limousines which was in keeping with the frrst attraction, 'The Capitol' continued on into the 1970's with the above
Warner Brother's 'The Great Race' . This was the first in policy but this was about to change during this decade.
what was a series of long run films from Warner Brothers With the closure of 'The Regent' and 'Plaza' Theatres,
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