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emony on Tuesday 4, January 1927, by the Mayor, Coun- into serious financial difficulties. The Glover Family took
cillor William Stevens and J. Brennan, Managing Director over the management and leased the Theatre on 23 Decem-
ofC.Y.T. Mr. M.T. Cullinan was the theatre manager. The bel~ 1928 and the building was later sold (I September, J 933)
opening program included the 13 reeler "The Thief of to Tanjil Theatres Pty. Ltd. (a company which included
Bagdad" accompanied by an orchestTal program. The P.R members of the Glover family and a Mr. Spicer, a Melboume
opened with a resident seven piece orchestra under the di- Accountant). The G lovers ceased screening in the Palais
rection of a Mr. A. E. Matthews (1 ). after they became involved with tbe Prince Regent and the
family converted the 5 Palais to a venue used for dances,
The Prince Regent at first screened on Mondays, Tuesdays, concerts and later sporting use.
Thursdays and Saturdays (including matinee) leaving the
other nights free for live performances and dances etc. The Three generations of the Glover family were involved with
competing Palais Theatre screened more frequently, at least fi lm exhibition in Sale starting at the Palais and then as
for the first few months. The P.R., because of its modern owners and finally leaseholders of the Prince Regent. The
stage facilities, attracted plays, musicals and opera to Sale. Glover's exhibiting Company was called Regal Theatres Pty.
Several J.C. Williamson productions were brought to the Ltd. and screens were permanently located in Maffra -
theatre. The installation of sound increased the demand for Paramount (Shire Hall), Sale and Ba.imsdale - Prince Re-
film screenings and the live component diminished rapidly gents, Orbost - Majestic and Plaza {Shire Hall). Another
from the mid 1930's. With the increase of screenings to six company, which included members of the Glover family,
days per week, the theatre was rarely used for live perfonn- was called The Great Eastern Circuit Pty. Ltd. This com-
ances. The installation ofCinemaScope (in the mid 1950's) pany operated the Lakes Entrance Prince Regent Theatre
was successfully accomplished without any alterations to and the travelling circuit (which serviced East Gippsland,
the proscenium. South Gippsland and Latrobe Valley locations).
With the introduction of television and the construction of Mr. Alexander Glover, his five sons Jack. Sidney, Roy,
the popular "Swanlake" Drive In theatre in the City (opened Arnold and George as well as daughters Ruth (Bailey), Edith
April I 959), attendances waned and the Prince Regent strug- (Trew) and Inez (Lennon) were involved with the theatres
gled on with a limited screening policy. and circuits at various times. The travelling circuits were
closed in tbe late 1930's as the towns they visited obtained
ln May 1970, Sale's "Gippsland Times" ran feature articles permanent picture shows. The various theatres were dis-
concerning the unsuccessful auction of the PR The Times posed ofbetween the late 1950's and the early 1960's. When
also detailed attempts by a community group to convince Regal Theatres decided to close the Sale theatre in 1965,
the Sale City Council to pmchase the theatre for retention George and his wife Pat, formed a partnership and leased
as a performing arts/cinema centre. Another proposal to the P.R. from the wider family Company. They stmggled
retain a cinema in the circle area and construct a shopping on for eight years with tl1e assistance of their children,
arcade in the stalls was refused by the Counci I. Graeme and Linda, and Ruth Bailey.
The Prince Regent was closed, in 1 973 after being pmchased Eventually the other shareholders in Tanjil Theatres (the
by the property developers, Hanover Holdings (the owners property owner) were able to sell the PR and it closed on 23
of adjoining shops). It was intended to demolish the theatre Febmary 1973.
and the shops and build a shopping complex; this did not
eventuate. The theatre was demolished immediately after
its closure and the site was for many years used as a car
park. A medical clinic now occupies most of the site.
The Gippsland Times (Sale) (l) Issues of3 and 6 Januaty
Part of the rear stage wall still stands on the site.
The Prince Regent closed without waming or ceremony as
Inte1·views: Mrs. Pat Glover, Mr. Graeme Glover
the lessors feared the local "1ads" would have a final night
rampage. In fact screenings were advertised for the follow-
ing week as a foil.
Exterior: Mrs. Pat. Glover- Sale and District
Historical Society
Upstairs foyer: Sale and District Historical Society.
After the opening of the theatre in 1927, Combined Victo- Stage: Mrs. Brenda Ca1ter (Depicting the
rian Theatres appointed a resident manager, Mr. M.T. Queen Carnival - a fund raiser for the
Cullinan. Financial difficulties ove1took the Company. The Memorial Hall building appeal on
theatre was overbuilt, considering the size of Sale and it 21.3.1949).
had to compete with the Palais Theatre, owned by the Glover Full Proscenium: Mr. Eric Lancaster
family. The onset of the Great Depression saw C. V.T. move Auditorium: Mr. Eric Lancaster