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Architects: Bohringer, Taylor and Johnson Pty. Ltd. imposing building on the Sale skyline and it was the archi-
Builder: Frank Watson Pty. Ltd. tect's twenty ftfth theatre project, and mainly the work of
Opened: January 4, 1927 "ThiefofBagdad " Mr. Taylor.
Closed: February 23, 1973 "Jane Eyre"
Owned by: Regal Theatres Pty. Ltd./Combined Construction of the Prince Regent Theatre commenced in
Victorian Theatres Ltd. 1926 and it was to be the fu·st of three similarly named
theatres operated by Combined Victorian Theatres in
Gippsland; the others were in Bairnsdale and Lakes En-
Sale is situated 210 kms. east of Melbourne and because of trance. As was common at the time, the theatre was built as
its proximity to the Gippsland Lakes system and the coast a multi purpose venue and was intended to be used as both
was the centre for much of Gippsland's earlier development. a cinema and a live theatre. In fact the theatre was used for
The current population of Sale is about 14000. many pw-poses. The decorative facade oftbe Prince Regent
and suggested a building of quality. wl1ich was the case.
The city is noted for its large and extensive historical build-
ings. Movies were screened at a variety of locations in Sale, The brick frontage was cement rendered and was attrac-
including parks and the Victoria Hall (built in 1879) in tively decorated with geometric designs. Tbe bio box and
Macalister St. The first purpose built theatre was the Palais upstairs foyer windows and doors featured wrought iron
in Raymond St., built in 1926 by the Glover family. glazing which was also liSed on the two small balconies.
Two large bracket lamps and the embossed company logo
Combined Victorian Theatres Ltd. (C.V.T.) was a public completed the facade decor.
company formed to run picture theatres throughout the prin-
cipal towns of Victoria. Tbe sbareholders included both The building was constmcted in double red clay brick with
Melbourne and country residents. The Board of Directors a stepped down quonset shaped, galvanized iron roof Large
included Mr. John R Brennan (Managing Director), Hon. brick piers were built every few feet along the side wall to
E.J. White MLC ofHamilton and well-known movie world support the roof as well as the large, clear span steel beams
dignitaries F.N. Johnson, A. Vassy, and a Mr. Talbot (circuit supporting the circle. Askillion roof covered the large stage
manager). Withi11 six months of floating the Company area. A ventilation "house'' was constructed above the
C.VT. had theatres ruru1ing in Baimsdale, Lakes Entrance, second level of the auditorium roof, immediately over the
Wangaratta, Benalla, Kyneton and a theatre under proscenium. A large, gable roofed, projection above the
construction in Hamilton (Westem Victoria) (1). Sale's stage area contained high light windows. Windows were
Gippsland Times recorded that the Directors of C. V.T. were fitted to both side walls to service the offices, storeroom,
unpopular in Sale probably because they intended to move switch room, generator room as well to the auditorium (for
into a town with two well established local cinema opera- ventilation purposes). All floors were of hardwood or janal1
tors and that they appeared to be moving too hastily in timbers.
building their cinema empire.
Two shops were located at the front of the theatl"e, one each
C.V.T. tried to negotiate the purchase of both the Victoria side of the main entrance. These featured brass fran1ed shop
Hall (operated by Gordon Green's circuit) and the Palls fronts above which c.lear glass, lead light inftlls were set.
Theatre (operated by the Glover family) without success. Pressed metal ceilings were fitted to the shop and awning
When C.V.T. failed in its attempts to buy an established ceilings. Mr. Frank Lazzaro leased the candy shop and a
operation it "made it expedient to erect a theatre that would Mr. Moritz ran a wireless and music business in the second
at once be commodious and attractive and contain all that shop (he was also a violinist in the Pt·ince Regent orches-
was possible in modern theatre construction" (I). Further tra).
the venue was to be "far in advance to what a town would
have been allotted under nonnal circumstances" and "far in At the top oftbree white, lta lian marble steps, the foyer was
advance of present day requirements" (I). The population entered through eight stained timber doors fitted with full
of Sale was about4,000 at the time. The new theatre was to length, bevelled glass; the centre four operated as bi-folds.
be named the Prince Regent Theatre and it was intended to Ornate solid brass push plates and D handles were fitted to
be the flagship of the C.V.T.'s chain. all doors. Arched highlight windows were installed above
the entrance doors.
Tbe foundation stone was laid within six months of shares
being placed in Sale. A house had been purchased from a Considering the size of the building the downstairs
Miss Leslie in Cunninghame St. and this was quickly relo- crushspace was small and contained two ornate semi circu-
cated to clear the site. lar ticket offices (left and right hand sides); these were roofed
over with clear glass lead lighting. The floors were covered
The Prince Regent can be described as the only true "pic- with a pebbled patterned, commercial linoleum in brown
ture palace" built east ofMelboume; it was also Gippsland's and honey tonings. Australian timbers and veneers were fea-
largest theatre. The Prince Regent was a very large and tw-ed throughout the building. The other feature of the foyer