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from the stage to let them fall. Kids up to 14 attended in More Movie Cliches
special seats, mostly Cerberus Sea Cadets, including
Roy Malouf, who spent much of their time in the drill Elevators ·.
hall. [Gee Woolley! Roy left St.Josephs School in Grade
6 with the rest of the boys from school and went on to * Movie elevators are always ready at that floor. But if the
Caulfield Technical School. From there he went to a ra: hero/heroine is being chased, elevator won 't come.
dio school in South Melbourne and then the "Working * If hero or villian takes an elevator, villain or hero can
beat it by taking stairs, even if the trip is 20 floors.
Man's College" to learn to be a projectionist. Roy Malouf
* Most elevator shafts and wires are clean and dust/grease
owned his own projector at age 12 and put on shows in
free, and there's plenty of light so that the hero neither
his garage at 3d a seat. [Russell) gets dirty nor needs a flashlight or some other equipment
The silent movie pictures were shown on a Sunday night to see.
in the garage at the back of Mr and Mrs Maloufs and * When one character is pursuing another (good guy after
admission was tuppence. Quite often the town larrikans bad or vice versa) and they reach the elevator just before it
would throw stones on the roof of the shed while the pic- closes, they never stick their hand in the door so it will
tures were showing and old Mr Malouf would set off in automatically open back up, nor do they press the call but
ton to get the door to open.
chase of the culprits. When the "talkies" came to town
they were shown in the Buffs Hall. [Moradoo, A Century
Past] He travelled daily to college for a number of years
until he was qualified, then found there was no position Thunder and lightning always happen at the same time.
available. So his parents mortgaged some property to fi- Storms start instantaneously: there's a crack of thunder and
nance the purchase of equipment for a travelling picture lightning, then heavy rain starts falling.
show. He ran half a dozen picture theatres across the pe- * Heavy rain causes no loss of long-distance visibility.
ninsula, at Hastings, Crib Point, Red Hill, Somerville, * Everything is blue at night-time. Caves always have flat
Flinders and Seaford. floors, and it"s never fully dark.
Charles did all the transporting and collected the tickets, * There is always someone in the canal or the storm drain
when the flood hits.
Roy was the projectionist, Ethel sold tickets and Nazela * The moon is always out at night (except for those cheaper
supplied the food and was usherette. The shows were in movies where the sun is still out..).
local halls, one day a week in each. [Jim & Moira
* Full moon can occur for several nights in a row.
Cavanagh] They had all the early Charles Chaplin fims.
* Eclipses happen frequently, and without any warning.
LGrace Smith] After a stint in the AIF, during which his
assistant Frank Griffid1s took over. Evidence
* Incriminating evidence can be found either as photograph
number four in a stack, or in the next to bottomdrawer.
* Be sure to leave your important tapes, such as the one Ia
belled "incriminating evidence against Senator Smith show
ing him taking $24 million in bribes and then fondling the
drug lord's daughter" or your computer floppy disks Ia
belled "All the nuclear launch codes are on here" where
they can be easily found.
* All characters keep detailed news clippings of important
events in their lives,particularly those events that must be
painful to recall, such as the toss of the character's imme
diate family due to their own negligence. NB: If the news
report would have come out while the character was in jail
or on the run, all the more reason for the character to have
Hastings Hall Today Photo Alan Windley
kept it intact.
He closed his picture shows in 1947 and went on to work Fencing/Swordplay
with Channel 2. [Russell] Pratt and Colby bought the
Maloufs out.[Grace Smith] In the 1950's an ex Navy man, At some point in a duel, the hero and villain will cross
Chandler, used to show films in an open paddock at the swords at face level, allowing them to grip each other's
back of his home in Lorimer street opposite to Hall's weapon while making nasty/sarcastic comments before they
break the clinch and continue fighting. (Why doesn't any
Store. [Grace Smith] The picture theatre later became a
one just ram the sword guard into their opponent's face,
milk bar. [Albie Smith] Ben Mayne sold lollies for Mrs
stun him. and then finish him off?)
Reid at the pictures. Albie Smith as a boy collected gum * u· the hero and villain's swords cross at or below waist
tips for her in exchange for a 2d drink and also sold level, they will break the clinch, fall back, and pause-
Jollies for her at the picture theatre from a lolly tray hung despite the fact that a simple upthrust into the opponent's
by a strap around his neck. Bob Carey took the tickets at belly after the break would end the duel right there and
the picture theatre. [J.Kippe] Jack Cronin ran the movies then.
on Saturday nights in the hall in the early 50s.[Merle
Haebich] The old dleatre was lived in by Bill Delahays in
the late 50s, who bought it and made it into a home.