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Loyalty Theatre - Upper Femtree Gully Cinema History No. 80
"Entertainment in Comfort"
by Julie Ross On a lighter note the following items were advertised in
the same paper:
ln The Beginning ............. l939
* The International Motor Show at the Exhibition
To trace the actual beginnings of The Loyalty Theatre, 3 building. Admission 1/- + Id tax,
Rose Street, Upper Femtree Gully, built by my uncle Mr.
B.R.G. (Bert) Tonkin, has been an interesting study of * Grand Opening of Leggeus Extended Ballroom in
the history that year - 1939. Prahran (tel. Windsor 3176) on Sat May 6, 1939 at
8 p.m. Ern Pettifer's band was playing. and others.
* Old Time Dancing al The Palais De Dance, St Kilda.
Admission l/6 +tax.
* 3DB-3LK Lux Radio Theatre presents on Sunday
night at 8 p.m.,'"The Bishop Misbehaves•·.
* Phosphorated Iron for healing sad. nervy women.
* Sporting News- Ambrose Palmer (Footscray) ended
up in "hospital with head injuries after a free-for-all
in the Footscray!Richmond game".
* Boomerang 1939 Football Fixture cards available
Loyalty 1939 [ note bakery to left.] from your tobacconist for 2d.
The news of the day (Sun-News Pictorial, April 21, 1939). * A recipe for healthy hair (which costs 3/- in Paris
Mr. R. G. Menzies has been elected leader of the United and I 0/- in London) is: Take 5 eggs and a wine
Australia Party following the resignation of Sir Earl Page, glass of the best rum. put them in a cocktail shaker
Leader of the Australian Country Party who was Prime and mix well. Then apply to your head after the head
Minister for just 13 days. Sir Earl Page's downfall was has been wetted. Rub in mix and wash out. This
caused by a bitter anti-Menzies outburst in the house taunt- leaves your hair smooth and easy to dress in the new
ing Mr. Menzies for not serving in the Great War, which exotic rolls, scrolls and ringlets'.
caused Country Party members Mr. Fadden and Mr.
Corser (Qld) to cross the floor. Mr. Curtin was Opposi- * A recipe for thinning hair: Cut a fresh onion and
tion Leader at the time. massage the scalp with il at night. The odor is natu-
rally disagreeable, but not offensive. and for one night
The paper also featured news of Hitler's 50th birthday a week. it will not hurt anyone.
which was celebrated in Berlin with an imposing mili-
tary march which lasted five hours! The Show Business news advertised a Farewell Concert
to the glamorous and dramatic soprano Lotte Lehmann
The same paper featured a 'special' news item from a at The Melbourne Town Hall -directed by the Australian
London newspaper stating: "The constant wearing of top- Broadcasting Commission -Bookings at Allans.
coats tends to cause rushes of blood to the head", said Seats 10/-, 7/6, 5/-, 3/-.
Professor John Hilton today, in suggesting that the
behavior of the dictators was due to wearing hot and The Princess Theatre was featuring "Nicola", The World's
unventilated footwear! It is no wonder that they should Master Magician for 4/-, 31-. 2/-. II- and children half-
pull faces .. , he said. ·'Could we not have an international price.
pronouncement making carpet slippers the correct wear
for dictators?"' The King's Theatre featured the London Casino Revue
advertised as Melbourne's biggest fun show· presented
Other news featured the appointment of Mr. Zelman by Australia and New Zealand Theatres Ltd.
Cowen, 19 y.o. tutor in Political Philosophy, being ap-
proved as a lecturer for the University Extension Board In the Suburbs the Independent Theatres advertised- Astor
By the University of Melbourne. You could hear Mr Z Theatre, St Kilda (tel, Windsor 4488) was screening on
Cowen's weekly series of political lectures at the YMCA SaLUrday 29 April. 1939 -Lilli Palmer and Tullio
in Melbourne. Carminati in "SUNSET IN VIENNA". also Henry
Wilcoxin and Marion Marsh in "PRISON NURSE'' (Not