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The foyers were entered from the lett side of the building and were built to the lett of the auditorium and
underneath the circle across the front of the building. The theatre was opened as the Orana on 31 August
1956. Heating was a fan forced warm air system. In 1958 and evaporative air cooling system was installed.
In 1974 the Orana was sold to Village Drive In (Wangaratta). In 1979 the stalls seating was removed. In
1980 the building was converted into a skating rink called Skatescene by its then Shepparton based owners
(V. and R. Rendevski). The building is now The Strand shopping arcade.
The last operator of the Village (Orana) was Bill Faulks who, when Village ceased operations, opened a
cinema in the lower Wangaratta City Hall. Later Box Office Productions ran this screen for a few years,
closing about 1990.
BENALLA - Open Air n/a
BENALLA -Town Hall n/a
This theatre was built by Me Millan's company, Lyric Photoplay (Shepparton) Pty. Ltd., at 121 Bridge St.
The architects were Cowper, Murphy and Associates and this building was of similar design to many of their
other plans built around Victoria. The brick building was entered from the lett hand side of the frontage and
the foyer was built along the lett hand side of the auditorium and underneath the circle across the front of
the theatre. The auditorium was of a stadium design.
This theatre was tentatively called the Max but was opened as the Regal in January, 1951. Seating was 956
(Stalls 536 and Lounge 41 0). Warm air heating was added to the theatre in September, 1966.
In 1978 the stalls seating was removed to provide a dance floor/dining area; the lounge was reduced to 347
seats. In 1981 building was renamed the "Invaders Cinema- Discotheque".
The building was subsequently converted to shops and commercial premises and is currently being used as
the Y.M.C.A.
BENALLA - Drive In n/a
The Swanpool Cinema operates as a weekend/holiday screen in the Swanpool Memorial Hall. This cinema
is operated by Kevin Smith and his wife Shirtey Swallow and was opened in 1992. Swanpool is situated
some 20 kms. south of Benalla on the Benalla - Mansfield road.
The building is entered through a small, but attractive red carpeted crush space in which a ticket box is built
on the left hand side. "One sheeter" poster cases complete the decor. Seating is approximately 200 on a
combination of old cinema and plastic seats. Prior to Kevin Smith commencing screening, the hall commit-
tee had a new suspended accoustic ceiling installed.
The rectangular proscenium is decorated with a simple, waved plaster treatment. The stage curtains are
red. The owners have successfully recreated the atmosphere of a 1950's style theatre both in film presenta-
tion and the look of the building. The hall's supper room is used as a candy bar I refreshment area.
The bio box is suspended off the rear wall of the auditorium area and is accessed by an external staircase.
Although small 1950's style equipment is still used in preference to modem equipment. There are two C &
W /Raycophone C.P.7 projectors with Westrex Hylite archs. A slide machine is comprised of a Hylite arch.
mounted on a H & B pedestal. The audio rack is still under construction and includes kit built amplifiers and
a domestic Yamaha Dolby Prologic amplifier. Background music is supplied by a C.D. player. Theme
music to compliment the film is generally used. Wulitzer organ music is used to background the slide
presentation. A portable 16 mm projector with a Bell & Howe long play system is installed when 35 mm
prints are unavailable. The theatre is equipped with an emergency power plant.
(Also Beechworth on the Sunday morning between the Albury Regent and the Civic Centre inspection.)