P. 32

begin,  a  cleaner  the king's daughter, Katherine having her first
                                                                came  on  with  his  lesson  in  English.  “l'armour,  U  albow,  les
                                                                brooms and brushes  fungare,  d'niles”.  Katherine  was  played
                                                                in  a  large  blue  splendidly by George Kemp, who also doubled
                                                                plastic   trolley,  as the Boy from the Boar's Head. All the female
                                                                dressed in baseball  roles,  as  played  traditionally  by  males,  were
                                                                cap,   iridescent  very, very good - a comic, Mistress Quickly,
                                                                yellow   jacket,  through to the attractive and very convincing
                                                                shorts  and  work-  Katherine. The simple, bare stage was effective
                                                                boots. We watched  used with a minimum of props - a throne, a
                                                                as  he  swept  the  scaffold,  cannons  for  the  battle  scenes.  The
                                                                stage.           Elizabethan  costumes  were  beautifully
                                                                                 designed and hand-made - no zip-fasteners or
                                                                Suddenly, the three  Velcros.
                                                                doors crashed open
                                                                and   the   whole  The  portrayal  of  violence  was  completely
                                                                costumed   cast  up-front  -  and  at  times  heart-breaking.  “You
                                                                entered  -  counter-  would not hang me for thief!” was centre-stage
                                                                marching   in   a  with the Boy sobbing in his father's arms as the
                                                                syncopated rhythm,  chair  was  pulled  by  soldiers  from  under
                                                                coming  to  a  halt  Bardolph's  feet  and  a  rope  around  his  neck
                                                                across  the  stage.  pulled  him  high  above  their  heads.  At
                                                                The cleaner looked  Agincourt, the Boy murdered by the French,
                                                                up from his broom  was picked up by Henry (“I was not angry since
                                                                and trolley. “O for  I  came  to  France  until  now!”)  and  carried
                                                                a muse of fire that  gently off the field to be buried with the other
                                                                would  ascend  the  dead to a background anthem condemning the
                                                                brightest heaven of  very notion of war.
                                                                invention.   A
                                                                kingdom   for   a  With  England's  total  victory  came  political
                                                                stage,  princes  to  settlement  and  the  delightful  wooing  scene.
                                                                act,  and  monarchs  “Fair  Katherine,  and  most  fair,  will  you
                                                                to   behold   the  vouchsafe to teach a soldier terms such as will
                                                                swelling   scene!  enter a lady’s ear, and plead his love-suit to her
                                                                Then  should  the  gentle heart?” Initially, she will not yield, but
                                                                war-like Harry, like  follows her father's direction that England and
        This exact replica of the exterior of the 1614  himself  assume  the  port  of  Mars;  and  at  his  France will become one, and they - man and
        Globe  is  a  16-sided  polygon  (27  metres  in  heels, leashed in like hounds, should famine,  wife. She turns to Henry and to his amazement
        diameter and 17 metres high) with a standing-  sword, and fire, Crouch for employment.”  takes his face gent`ly in her hands and kisses
        audience capacity of 300 'groundlings', and 600                          him passionately. He sweeps her up in his arms,
        seats in three vertical galleries around the inside  The cleaner was the Chorus! An incongruous,  and  kisses  her  even  more  passionately!  A
        wall. The protruding stage is 13 metres wide;  but wonderfully effective link between players  moment  that  had  the  audience  howling  its
        its back-wall has three doors, with a balcony  and audience. The action of the play moved us  approval and its joy. Superb acting!
        over the centre door, and a musicians’ gallery  quickly  to  the  Court,  the  Boars  Head  with
        above it. It took six weeks and 200 builders and  Mistress  Quickly  and  Hal's  former  mates,  to  So  what  was  it  about  these  four  very  good
        craftsmen to erect it in Melbourne's Botanical  Southampton,  France  and  Henry's  first  productions, (and they were very, very good)
        Gardens  next  to  the  Myer  Music  Bowl.  The  successful battle. At the French court we met  that made the Pop-up Globe season such an
        New  Zealanders  also  set  up  a  large
        production  team  employing  actors,
        artists,  craftsmen,  builders,  costume
        designers/makers,  and  production
        The  Melbourne  season  ran  from
        September to February with Henry V,
        Othello, As You Like It, and All's Well
        that  Ends  Well.  It  had  two  separate
        companies  of  players  -  The  Queen's
        Company  of  10  male  and  4  female
        actors, and the King's Company of 16
        male  actors  who  also  played  the  six
        female  roles.  And  what  were  these
        performances  like,  played  out  in  this
        original Shakespearian setting? For this,
        I'll  concentrate  on  one  of  the  plays,
        Henry  V,  presented  by  the  King's

        The   audience   was   amazingly
        responsive. 600 sitting on the benches
        in the three-story galleries around the
        walls;  the  rest,  including  teen-age
        school children, standing in the centre
        Pit under the open roof. The stage was
        bare. While we waited for the show to

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