P. 12

                                                    by Gerry Kennedy

          nvercargill  is  a  city  with  a  population  hotel,  causing  damage  to  over  an  acre  of  allow  for  continuous  running.  The  opening
        I50,000, situated on the southern tip of the  buildings.                 program was Curly Top with Shirley Temple.
        New Zealand’s South Island. The city services
        a large lush rural hinterland.       In 1906, the rebuilt Hibernian closed its doors  On 23 January 1936, the then cinema operator,
                                             and became the City Private Hotel. In 1914, the  Amalgamated Theatres, reopened the Popular
        Over the year, films have been screened at a  hotel  and  its  surrounding  shops  were  Theatre as  the  State.  The  building  had
        variety  of  locations  including  the  Civic  reconstructed with the inclusion of a theatre. In  undergone   another   refit,   featuring   a
        Theatre  (Town  Hall),  the  Majestic  and  the  fact the Popular Picture Palace (a.k.a. Pops)  Raycophone sound system, a modern heating
        Regent. Today, the city's cinema-going public  was  opened  on  22  December    ahead  of  the  system of warm air blown up through ducts in
        is serviced by a Readings five screen complex  completion  of  the  hotel  and  shops.  Seating  the floor (it is still there), indirect lighting on
        in Dee Street, (originally built and opened by  850,  the  theatre  was  described  as  having  a  dimmers and an on-stage drop curtain formed
        Movieland Cinemas).                  handsome proscenium made of fibrous plaster.  on  a  series  of  recessed  arches,  each  of  a
                                             The walls were plaster finished and a pressed  different shade and giving a sun-ray effect. A
        The Embassy building occupies a low profile  metal  ceiling  was  fitted.  The  theatre  had  an  side and top drape of old gold satin surrounded
        building  in  Dee  St,  the  main  downtown  island  ticket  box.  From  the  vestibule,  two  this. Externally, a veranda had been installed
        shopping  centre,  surrounded  by  shops.  The  entrances led to the stalls and a staircase to the  over the entrance, with large embossed plate
        theatre has had a colourful history going back  balcony.                 glass entrance doors.
        to  the  mid-nineteenth  century  when  John
        Turnbull  Thompson  purchased  the  land  in  The screen was inclined backwards because of  The State underwent another major refit prior
        1857. In 1877, Mr. P. Silke opened the well-  the height of the theatre and the angle of the  to  the  installation  of  CinemaScope,  and  was
        appointed Hibernian Hotel on the site. In 1882,  sight line from the projectors. The theatre was  re-opened  by  Amalgamated  Theatres  as  the
        a fire broke out in a grocery shop beneath the  fitted with two Ernemann Jubilee projectors to  Embassy. The Embassy is entered via three

                 Civic Theatre (Town Hall).            Majestic Theatre.                    Regent Theatre.

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