P. 39

in  the  auditorium.  The  introduction  of  minutes run time) or more. The feed and
       CinemaScope and the need to fit anamorphic  take-up reels were one above the other, or
       lenses  to  the  projectors,  saw  the  end  of  this  side by side. The individual 2000 ft reels
       device.                             of film were spliced together onto one of
                                           the big reels.
       Over  the  years,  many  projectionists  devised
       their  own  methods  of  producing  a  smooth  Because the film is being taken up in the
       change-over. Some preferred the old method of  regular manner, the start of the program
       placing two pennies between layers of the film  ends up in the centre of the take-up reel,
       as they rewound it, one at the motor start point  the film therefore needed to be rewound
       – 3½ turns in from the end and the other at the  before it could be screened again. Most
       end of the picture image. As the reel of film was  tower units had a built in rewind facility,
       ending the first penny would fall out making a  in some cases rewinding of one reel could
       noise when it hit the  metal spool box. With an  be  done  while  another  reel  was  being
       assistant on hand, just using the lamp dousers  screened from the other side of the tower.
       for change-overs was sometimes favoured.
                                              The platter system, in common with
                                              the tower, required the individual reels
                                              of film to be spliced together as one  A three-tier platter, with two features ready to screen.
                                              continuous length. The film was then
                                              loaded onto one of the plates of the platter  without  the  need  to  rewind  it.  For  single
                                              with the start in the centre of the wind. The  screenings however, the time involved to make-
                                              film  is  fed  from  the  centre  of  the  platter  up the film for platter use, generally outweighs
                                              through a mechanism called a payout unit.  the advantage. But many projection rooms of
                                              The  speed  of  the  platter's  rotation  is  the time have only the one projector, making
                                              controlled  by  a  servo  system  so  that  it  the  platter  the  only  method  by  which  a  film
        The Degel Electric                    matches the speed of the film as it is fed to  could be screened.
        Change-Over                           the projector.
                                                                               Together with automation systems, the platter
       The  unit  comprised  two  electrically  operated  shutters  The film winds through a series of rollers  and the xenon lamp made the presentation of
       (one for each projector) and a push-button switch.  from the platter to the projector, through the  movies a virtual press button affair – and the
                                           projector, through another series of rollers back  use of semi-skilled staff a reality, except for the
       Long Play Systems                   to another plate on the platter unit which serves  critical job of making up the program. Not only
       Projection techniques remained much the same  as a take-up reel. One of the rollers controls the  was it necessary to correctly join the six or more
       until the 1970s, when the introduction of xenon  take up tension, by feeding that information to  reels  of  film  into  one  continuous  length,  but
       lamps  made  longer  reel  running  times  a  the take-up servo.  Most platter units consist of  most cinemas included a few (often too many)
       possibility. Prior to that time, illumination was  three or more plates. Two or more film prints  advertisements and trailers ahead of the feature
       by carbon arc, the carbon slowly burning away  can be held by the platter at any one time, as  – all of which had to be spliced onto the start
       as  it  produced  its  high  intensity  light.  The  long  as  one  plate  is  empty  to  serve  as  the  of the film.
       carbons needing to be replaced after about 20  "take-up reel" to receive the film that is being
       minutes of run time, this worked in well with  played from another platter plate.  The situation is completely different today. The
       the need to change reels after a similar period.                        introduction and (almost) universal adoption of
                                           This system makes it possible to project a film  digital  projection  techniques  has  meant  big
                                           multiple times without needing to rewind it. As  changes  for  the  industry.  No  longer  is  the
                                           the projectionist threads the projector for each  expertise  of  a  competent  film  projectionist
                                           showing, the payout unit is transferred from the  required, instead the skill set required is more
                                           empty platter to the full platter and the film then  like those of a computer operator.
                                           plays out again from the centre of that plate. In
                      Xenon projection lamp
                                           the case of a double feature, each film plays  Today, the program arrives at the cinema on a
                                           from  a  full  platter  onto  an  empty  platter,  computer hard drive, the contents of which are
       The  introduction  of  continuous  run  xenon  swapping  positions  on  the  platter  stack  copied  onto  the  cinema’s  computer  server.
       projection lamps in the 1970s, made the use of  throughout the day.     Advertising, trailers, etc are added, along with
       a long play systems feasible.                                           programming  cues,  which  control  lights,
                                           The platter system offers a big advantage where  curtains (if any!), masking, etc.
       A long play system is seemingly quite simple:  a film is to be screened multiple times, as once
       Just join the usual six or more 2000 ft reels of  it’s made up it can be screened over and over  Once that task is done, the program will run
       film making up the full program together, place                         automatically,  being  controlled  by  the  main
       the film on a big reel or rotating table and feed  Below: The tower or “mut” system  computer, which already has been programmed
       the film into the projector and turn it on.                             to start the show at the designated time.

       But it was not quite that simple. Six thousand                          Unfortunately, with no one in the bio box, and
       feet of film weighs approximately 25 kg. The                            in most cases, only semi-skilled personnel on
       forces of inertia, to actually get the film moving                      hand, when things go wrong, they stay wrong!
       and  keep  it  paying  out  at  the  correct  speed                     ★
       present quite a challenge.
       There  were  basically  two  systems  used:  The                        1.This was the original standard. Modern projectors,
       tower system (vertical feed and take-up, with                           often come up to speed faster, the point at which
       rewinding  after  screening  necessary)  and  the                       the leader is threaded may vary accordingly.
       platter  system  (horizontal  feed  and  take-up,                       2.SMPTE originally SMPE (Society of Motion Picture
       with rewinding unnecessary).                                            Engineers). The “T” for Television was added later.
       The tower was a separate unit mounted usually                           Ross King and Mike Trickett collections.
       behind the projector, and comprised two large                           Additional information Ross King.
       reels with a capacity of  about 12,000 ft (130

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